Q. Who said - how precious & beloved are suffering & he accepted them ?
A. Rebbe.
Q. What can a person do to avoid & to be saved from suffering ?
A. Helping & caring for others so that measure for measure Hashem will help you.
Q. What did Rebbe do to bring back an individual who had strayed from the right path ?
A. The first thing was he gave him Semicha !
Q. How does Rashi explain the cause of the destruction of the Beis hamigdosh ?
A. They not showing sufficent appreciation for the gift of Hashem's Torah.
Q. How can a person become great for the World to Come ?
A. By being humble over Torah in this world.
Q. In what way was R. Chiya so super great ?
A. The way he taught Torah to children.
Q. Who assists the Avos when they prepare for prayer ?
A. Eliyohu.
Q. Who was Rebbe's physician ?
A. Shmuel.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.