Q. When do we make both sides swear ?
A. If he gave a loan & took an item for security but now he claims the item was stolen & that it was only worth half the amount :
The Malveh swears - that the item is not by him ,
The loveh swears - it was worth the full amount.
Q. A person who receives a loan how does he think of his benefactor in glowing terms ?
A. Hashem made him wealthy because he is such a nice person.
Q. What if a shomer claims he dosent know where he put the item he will try to find it ?
A. He is considered negligent & he needs to pay for it right away. Rambam.
Q. What are some of the benefits of doing what is good in the eyes of Hashem ?
A. Hashem will act with goodness to you & He will give you His good land to inherit , see Dvarim 6:18.
Q. Where was Ameimar from ?
A. Nehardoeh
Q. What is the status of a husbands rights on the miluk property of his wife ?
A. As a buyer , not an heir.
Q. One who rented an animal for a week & then lent it to someone else for a day & it died on that day , what do we do ?
A. There are 2 opinions -
- the renter swears that it died & he makes the money from the borrower.
- R. Yosi - the owner gets the money.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.