Friday, June 8, 2007

Step 81 - Business Com -5

Why should we honor our Parents ?
We can offer some reasons-
- we love them
- we owe it to them
- to merit longevity
- to make them feel good
* To please Hashem

Why does the Torah give a reason by honoring Parents , more so than by many other mitzvos ?

One answer is because someone might honor his parents for an ulterior motive in order so they give him benefits.
Thus Hashem is teaching how to relate to people , with our parents as the primary model - be nice to others & you will gain many benefits from the Creator who made you all.

The Talmud says , Either friendship or death & studies have proven that loneliness leads to depression & other problems ...
Freindships also lead to business success. When you help others because it is a mitzva to do so , Hashem has a way of sending things back to you. On the path ...

The Torah key to wealth is not help others so that they will become your customers & you will make money , rather , help others leshaim Shomayim to serve Hashem & He will send you wealth. On the path , should be for the right reason & you will gain more.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Step 80- Business Com. 4

Time off
Time is much more than money
Hashem has granted us one day every week in which to connect to our Source of existence , to the Creator the Source of all blessings.
We need to stop & think - what are my greatest goals in life ?
Pirkei Avos sums up 4 -
- Wisdom
- true Power ( Self Control)
- true Wealth ( happiness)
- Honor , which is gained by honoring others.
Shabos is for connectiing to our Source. It is the day we discover who we are & how to grow greater with Hashems help.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Fringe Benefits

Shabbos 32b
All those who are careful with the Mitzva of Tzitzis will merit to have 2800 servants as the verse teaches ...
10 from each of the 70 nations for each of the 4 corners.
Why is this a corresponding reward for this Mitzva ?
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Step 79 - 10 Commandmets of Business 3

Cling to the Unchangeable
Hashems name stands for He was , is & will be forever.

One of the most important keys to success is to know what to keep constant & what to change.
On one hand things keep on changing & we are being tested to see how we react & utilize every situation for Hashems service.
We need to prepare for change & grow with it. A business that does not continue to provide valuable benefits for people will not survive.
Make every moment count to serve Hashem who is eternal.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Weekly Mitzvah - Honoring Your Father and Mother

Weekly Mitzvah - Honoring Your Father and Mother

Family-Related Mitzvos

41: Honoring Your Father and Mother

"Respect your father and your mother..." (Shemos 20:12)

The Torah commands us to honor our father and mother, the two people who were Hashem's partners in bringing us into the world. This mitzvah has many practical aspects, including standing up for our parents, respecting their wishes, and caring for their needs. In fact, the Chayei Adam explains that there are three parts to this mitzvah: 1) to think highly of our parents; 2) to speak highly of them; and 3) to act on their behalf, as in caring for them (Chayei Adam 67:3)

Honoring them is considered Hashem's honor (Kiddushin 30b)

In the Ten Commandments, we are told "Honor your father and your mother, so that your days will be extended..." (ibid.). This is explained in two ways:

1) By helping and honoring your parents, you enable them to live longer. Thus, you gain that merit in return.

2) By showing that you honor those who helped bring you to life, you deserve
more life.

The Talmud (Kiddushin 30a) instructs us to learn how to honor our parents from a non-Jew, Dama ben Nesina, who gave up a potential profit of a huge sum of money in order to avoid waking his father. For that, the Talmud says, Hashem rewarded him with a red heifer, which he sold for exactly the amount he lost in not waking his father. We can ask three questions:

-What was his logic in not waking his father? Why didn't he rationalize, "The loss will be so great - I'll just wake my father this one time"?

-What would have happened if the key to the red heifer's corral had been under his father's pillow. Would he have lost this deal, too?

-Why did Hashem reward him with a red heifer? Why not just give him a treasure full of gold?

The answer is that Dama ben Nesina's logic was "My parents are the only two people in the world who gave me life. Thus, the are irreplaceable. The money I lose today, Hashem can send me tomorrow."

The red heifer was a unique entity, the only one of its kind in existence at the time. (There have only been nine of them in all of history, and the tenth will come in Mashiach's time [Rambam, Hilchos Para Adumah 3:4].). Thus, the Sages would have returned for it if the key was unavailable. It was only the sale of gems which was forfeited because the Sages found them somewhere else.

Hashem gave him a red cow, which was one of a kind, to reward him, measure for measure, for treating his parents with unique honor. This teaches us the great concept of treating our parents with proper respect, as they are the only ones who have granted us life!


Copyright © 2006 by Rabbi Moshe Goldberger and

The course material is presented by Rabbi Moshe Goldberger, a renowned lecturer and author. A prolific author, he has written books such as "Be a Friend", "Guard Your Anger", "Master Your Thoughts" and more, published by Targum Press

Sunday, June 3, 2007

S. 78 - 10 of B. 2

No other Source

There are many situations in life where we need to make quick decisions. Where we don't have the time to consider all of the relevant issues in order to make an educated Torah - based decision.
That is why we need to prepare regularly & practice thinking & acting with the truths in mind so that we develop an ingrained capacity to react as a Torah - practicing Jew should.
A Jew in business needs to know
His goal is - To help others.
In order to keep on helping others - he needs to make money.
It is Kosher to ask Hashem for help in making money. It is not only Kosher it is essential because
If there is no Kemach , there is no Torah. Avos.

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Mitzva count of Parshas Shelach

There are 3 Mitzvos this week :

1- Separating Chalah

2- Mitzva of Wearing Tzitzis

3- Avoid anti - Torah values &
Or Sights.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Mitzva count of Parshas Shelach

There are 3 Mitzvos this week :

1- Separating Chalah

2- Mitzva of Wearing Tzitzis

3- Avoid anti - Torah values &
Or Sights.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Mitzva count of Parshas Shelach

There are 3 Mitzvos this week :

1- Separating Chalah

2- Mitzva of Wearing Tzitzis

3- Avoid anti - Torah values &
Or Sights.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.