Thursday, July 5, 2007

Mitzva Count - Pinchos

There are 6 Mitzvos this week -

* Laws of inheritance

* Two daily Tamid offerings were brought at the Beis Hamigdosh , one in the morning & one in the afternoon.
* Two additional offerings were brought every Shabos.
* 11 additional offerings on Rosh Chodesh.
* 11 offerings for Shevuos.

* Listen to the Shofar blowing on Rosh Hashana.

# One of the themes this week is how we need to always focus on which opportunities is Hashem providing for me now !!
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Did you know ?

There are 6 Parshiyos from the whole Chumash with peoples names in their titles ( including Pinchos ).
Why these 6 ?
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Wonders 18 Answer

We find the Talmud Taanis 2a teaches that all 3 are on an equal basis. There are 3 keys that Hashem always controls directly
- birth
- rain &
- life after death.
Why are these three in the same category ? They are LIFE from the Giver of all life.

We asked a researcher , what percentage of our body is composed of water ?
Answer -
Babies - about 78 %
One year old - 65%
Adults - 60%
Thank Hashem for water.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

True Freedom

The Torah definition -
Those who are immersed in Torah study , Pirkei Avos.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Wonders 18 - the Greater Miracle ?

Which miracle is greater that of
Being born ,
The maintenance of life , or
Techiyas hameisim - to be brought back to life after dying ? ?
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Wonders 17- Miracle of Life

Consider - birds can fly. They can also produce baby birds which can fly. Jet airliners can fly but they cannot give birth to other such planes.
Tehilim 103 speaks about how we need to thank Hashem for 5 stages of life that people go through
- their Mothers womb
- coming out into this world
- nursing from two fountains of Mothers milk
- the destruction of the wicked
- the transition into the world to come.
Each transition consists of many miracles , such as
* a baby begins to breathe & the fluid in its lungs clears out.
* the heart begins to pump blood to the lungs for its oxygen.
* the mouth begins to ingest food.
We need to keep on thinking, thanking & singing to Hashem for all of His gifts of life !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Wonders -16 - Heads Up

Lift your eyes upward to see
Who created these ! Yeshaya 40:26

If you could have 5 wishes granted by Hashem , would one of them be to be able to fly ?
Why did Hashem decide not to provide humans with wings ? Obviously , because it is better for them this way.
Birds were designed with special lightweight bones to enable them to be able to fly as befits their needs.
How often do we intentionally observe the flight of some of Hashems flying marvels & exclaim - wow ! Amazing.
Why did Hashem create these ?

One reason is so that we should learn to invent flying machines that can imitate many of the features of birds.
Another reason is to remind us of our true purpose in life to fly with our spiritual essence , to utilize our Torah & Mitzva guidelines for flying to the sky as we come closer to Hashem.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.