Friday, June 3, 2011

3 A's of a

Happy Marriage

Affection &
Appreciation !!!
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fw: What Can Hinduism Possibly Teach the Jewish People?

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

From: Gutman Locks <>
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2011 06:29:12 +0300
To: Gutman Locks<>
Subject: What Can Hinduism Possibly Teach the Jewish People?

Har Habayit.jpg



What Can Hinduism Possibly Teach the Jewish People?


     There are tens of thousands of Israelis in India today. Granted, the vast majority of them are there only to “be free” or to “live it up.” But a large number of them are involved with gurus, earnestly searching for spiritual answers in the ashrams. What are they doing wrong?


     Watch this video and learn Hinduism’s message to the Jewish people. Then, if you have some way to send the link to anyone it could help, you might be saving their lives.

Hinduism's Message to the Jewish People


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mitzva Review - 26

111- One may not eat or drink from that which was used for idol worship.

112 - One may not work the fields during Shmita.

113- One may not eat meat that was cooked with milk.
Parshas Vayakhel has one Mitzva -
114- On Shabos , all work is forbidden , we may not even put to death one who Beis Din has a Mitzva to punish with a death penalty.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Mitzva Review - 25

There are 9 Mitzvos in Ki Sisah

105 - Every Jew should donate a half Shekel once a year to fund the Korbonos supply for the entire year. This way it represents all of us.

106 - Every Kohen must wash his hands & feet before entering to serve.

107 - To make a special blend of annoiting oil to sanctify the Kohen Godol & a Jewish King.

108- No one else may use that unique blend of oil.

109- No one may even make that mix.

110 - No one may make the Ketores blend either.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Mitzva Review - 24

There are 7 Mitzvos in Parshas Tetzaveh -

98- To light the Menorah daily. This symbolizes that the source of light is from Hashem whose residence is the Beis Hamigdosh.

99 - Every Kohen has to wear a special outfit when he comes to serve. A regular wore a uniform of 4 garments , a shirt , pants , hat & belt. The Kohen Godol wore 8 garments. This teaches us that the way you dress makes a difference in how you succeed.
100- The Choshen chest plate of the Kohen Godol should not move away from its place on the Eifod apron.
This teaches us to keep things in their proper place.

101- These uniforms should not be ruined or torn in any way.

102 - Those offerings that are supposed to be eaten by the Kohanim should be properly with following the halachic guidelines.
103 - There was a special offering of Ketores spices perfume twice a day that would permeate throughout the entire city. This enhanced the glory of Hashems honor.

104 - The inner , golden Mizbeach was only used daily for this Ketores function.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.