Saturday, March 21, 2009

Daf 85 - Quiz

Q. Why does the word shuftani mean a fool ?

A. From the root word for Mishpot which means balanced judgement. A fool is unbalanced.


Q. From which 2 words of the Torah does a physician get a liscense to heal ?

A. Verapo yerapei. Shmos 21 :19.

Q. How much value is there if a doctor offers his services at no charge ?

A. No value.

Q. For every type of injury there is a calculation of how much to pay for the damage that was caused. However there is one type of injury that at times is considered as if the victim is totally disabled. What is that ?

A. If he caused deafness.

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

16 of 247

Sefer Vayikra contains 247 Mitzvot of the 613.
This Sedra contains 16 of them.

The first 2 are

Korban Olah & Korban Mincha

Every offering brings us closer to Hashem. When we contribute on behalf of Hashem we become elevated & improved.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Daf 84 - Quiz

Q. What is the law if a terminally ill person killed someone ?

A. He is exempt because witnesses cannot testify against him. ( If Beis Din themselves saw it he is put to death , Rambam ).

Q. If a minor was injured is the father allowed to waive the payment that is due for his son ?

A. Only if he agrees to make it up to his son when he gets older.

Q. The Beis Din out of Eretz Yisroel has no right to impose Kenas / fine penalties unless there are 2 factors. What are they ?

A. Things which happen frequently , & there is a monetary loss.


Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Daf 83 - Quiz

Q. What are 2 ways that we permit someone to own a dog ?

A. 1- if he keeps it tied up.

2 - if he lives in a place near the border & needs it for protection.

Q. How many Jews should we strive to gather together to merit a high form of Divine Presence ?

A. 22 thousand.

Q. What are the 5 payments that one is obligated in for causing an injury ?

A. Damages , pain , healing , unemployment & for shame.
Q. Why does the Torah say , an eye for an eye , if it is not meant literally ?

A. The Torah is teaching how serious it is & should be considered as if , Rambm.


Q. What if a murderer happens to be wealthy & he offers to pay his victims family 10 million & they are willing to forgive ?

A. Nothing doing. The Torah says there are no such deals , the death penalty is the only way , when that is justified.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Daf 82 - Quiz

Q. Why were the 10 rules of Yehoshua all land related , whereas those of Ezra are for Torah Study & Mitzva observance ?

A. The first ones were upon entry into Eretz Yisroel when the land issues were in the forefront.


Q. What do we do on Shabos afternoons special due to the great Ezra ?

A. Krias haTorah at Mincha.


Q. Which liquid is the Torah compared to ?

A. Water


Q. Which day should be our laundry day ?

A. Thursday
Q. How many special zoning laws apply to the Holy City of Yerusholayim ?

A. 10.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Daf 81 - Quiz

Q. In whose section is the sea of Teverya ?

A. Naftoli.

Q. The 10 rules that Yehoshua enacted do they apply all over , even out of Eretz Yisroel ?

A. Yes


Q. What is the status of someone who attempts to be stringent & avoids relying on the legal loopholes that were instituted by the Sages ?

A. If he appears to be a showoff he may be punished by the Sages.


Q. Where do we see that there is a special Mitzva to help someone who got into trouble ?

A. From takoneh # 8 if someone got lost we are allowed some leeway to help him out.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Daf 80 - Quiz

Q. In what sense does public opinion influence a decision of Beis Din ?

A. They have to determine whether most people can follow the rule before they institute a decree.


Q. Why is it forbidden to raise certain animals in some places ?

A. Because they may cause damage.

Q. If someone pledges , makes a vow or an oath ( these should be avoided ) to marry the next one who says yes , what is their obligation ?

A. To marry the next one that is suitable.


Q. What was the name of Rav Hunas wife ?

A. Chova

Q. What is the required response that we are obligated to follow as a reaction to troubles that may chas vsholom occur ?

A. Forms of repentance that will cause the troubles to depart.

Q. How many conditional agreements were instituted by Yehoshua & his Beis Din when they entered the land of Eretz Yisroel ?

A. 10.

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Daf 79 - Quiz

Q. The regular rule is that an agent cannot pass the blame for an entire sin over to someone else , but there are some exceptions. What is the exception here ?

A. By payment of 5/4.

Q. Which form of acquisition is effective all over , even in someone else property ?

A. Lifting it up.
Q. In what way is a shomer similar to one who makes a purchase ?

A. Meshicha is required to activate the process.
Q. Why is the Torah more stringent by a sneak thief than by an open thief ?

A. Because he is insulting & ignoring Hashems honor.

Q. In what sense do we see the Torah taking all the feelings & needs of everyone into consideration ?

A. One pays more for stealing a work - animal , one pays less for stealing an animal that he had to carry on his shoulder.

Q. What is a clear example of a Gazlon ?

A. One who grabbed a weapon from someones hand. Not one who steals one s wallet as a pickpocket.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Daf 78 - Quiz

Q. How do we determine whether the Torah is referring only to a pure Sheep or even a mixbreed ?

A. It depends on the context of the verse.

Q. Does one give Maaser from a mixbreed animal ?

A. No

Q. Why is a slaughtered sheep not valid for redeeming a first born donkey ?

A. It is not called a sheep anymore , it may be called lambchops.


Q. How can we use the model of paying 5/4 as a deterrent to stop car thefts ?

A. Have them pay 5 cars for each car they steal.

Q. What if he stole & than gave it away as a gift is he obligated to pay 5/4 ?

A. Yes


Q. What if he gave it to someone to slaughter or sell on his behalf , is he liable ?

A. Yes.

Q. What is an overall message from this ?

A. Crime dosent pay.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Fw: Kol Haloshon LIVE schedule of shiurim (Rev 21)

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

From: "Kol Haloshon (KHL)"
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 23:33:49 -0400
To: undisclosed-recipients:;<Invalid address>
Subject: Kol Haloshon LIVE schedule of shiurim (Rev 21)

This week we celebrate 4 years of Kol Haloshon in the US.  This is truly something to celebrate as we recognize how much Kol Haloshon is part of the daily lives of thousands of people worldwide.  Kol Haloshon works very hard to bring the very best maggidei shiurim and make it available on the phone, on the internet, with free download at our website ( or at our kiosks.  Our latest feature, we began videoing our shiurim and posting them to our website as well.  These video shiurim are also available with free download.
We are currently testing a new version of our phone system software.  The new version adds features as multiple bookmarks and also finding out where a live shiur is being recorded in the archive.  As we test, you may find the feature being disabled every now or then to correct an issue. 
To use our multiple bookmark feature, instead of just hanging up, press 20 and listen for the bookmark feature.  Also, while listening to any LIVE shiur, press 1 to hear the location where it is being saved into our archive.
Attached is our latest LIVE schedule.  This only represents a partial listing of the more than 150 maggidei shiurim here in the US.
We LOVE to hear you feedback, good or bad, so let us know by emailing
If you enjoy our shiurim, there are 2 things you can do to get involved. 
The first involves pledging money to our maggidei shiurim who are all so caring and give up so much of their time to give us their shiurim.  Pledges can be made on our website at and click the Keren Kayemes tab.
The second involves letting others know about Kol Haloshon.  We are sure many others like yourself can benefit from all the learning and chizuk you get while hearing the shiurim.  So let others know about us.  You, too, will share in this great mitzvah of harbotzas Torah.  In the zechus of all this learning, may be merit Moshiach speedily in our days.