Friday, October 30, 2009

When to listen as you S. Y. C.

The Talmud asks - should one always listen to the advice of a spouse ?

The answer has 3 parts -

* for household matters - surely !

* for wordly matters some say yes , some say no.

* for Heavenly Matters - he may know better & they may need to ask a Rav.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Best Way to S. Y. C.

Is to

To your Spouse.

If instead you just keep interrupting them with suggestions of solutions , you may be trying to show that you are smart but do you Show You Care about them ?
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

The name Rochel

In connection with remembering Rochel Imeiunu we urge you to review the Rashi in Shir Hashirim chap. 6 verse 6.
If you know someone with the name Rochel please show them the Rashi which why such a name which also means a sheep , is used.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Secret of Prosperity for S. Y. C.

Honor your wife & you will become wealthy.

Bava Metzia 59a.

You don't need to tell this to your boss but you now have the secret you can begin today.

Ask yourself - what can I do within the next hour to show that I care about my spouse & their needs. ? And then do it !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

First assignment for S. Y. C.

Thanks for those who joined. This is our first homework.

To say over this lesson to 2 people.
That Noachs 3 son s names are symbolic of the 3 pillars of the world -
Torah - shaim - shom - we need to be there. Focus on concentrating on one Torah lesson daily with the thought that this study is the greatest Mitzva because it is Hashems word & it brings us closer to Him.

Chom - Cham - we need to be into our Prayers with warmth. Get into it.

Pray for entity 5 times throughout the day with warmth.

Yefes- yofos - smile a pleasant smile at your spouse & show that you care about them.

Thank you all for caring.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

S. Y. C.

We would like to begin an

S. Y. C. Club with those of you who would like to join
The objective is to focus on developing ourselves to
Show you care
To serve Hashem & fulfill Torah & Mitzvos properly.

For more info please contact us.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Honey on Shabos

Is one allowed to scoop honey out of a beehive on Shabos ?

It depends if the honey is in the combs it is forbidden because it is similar to pulling a fruit off of a tree.

If the honey is loose it is permissible.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.