Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fw: Kol Haloshon LIVE schedule of shiurim (Rev 21)

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

From: "Kol Haloshon (KHL)"
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 23:33:49 -0400
To: undisclosed-recipients:;<Invalid address>
Subject: Kol Haloshon LIVE schedule of shiurim (Rev 21)

This week we celebrate 4 years of Kol Haloshon in the US.  This is truly something to celebrate as we recognize how much Kol Haloshon is part of the daily lives of thousands of people worldwide.  Kol Haloshon works very hard to bring the very best maggidei shiurim and make it available on the phone, on the internet, with free download at our website ( or at our kiosks.  Our latest feature, we began videoing our shiurim and posting them to our website as well.  These video shiurim are also available with free download.
We are currently testing a new version of our phone system software.  The new version adds features as multiple bookmarks and also finding out where a live shiur is being recorded in the archive.  As we test, you may find the feature being disabled every now or then to correct an issue. 
To use our multiple bookmark feature, instead of just hanging up, press 20 and listen for the bookmark feature.  Also, while listening to any LIVE shiur, press 1 to hear the location where it is being saved into our archive.
Attached is our latest LIVE schedule.  This only represents a partial listing of the more than 150 maggidei shiurim here in the US.
We LOVE to hear you feedback, good or bad, so let us know by emailing
If you enjoy our shiurim, there are 2 things you can do to get involved. 
The first involves pledging money to our maggidei shiurim who are all so caring and give up so much of their time to give us their shiurim.  Pledges can be made on our website at and click the Keren Kayemes tab.
The second involves letting others know about Kol Haloshon.  We are sure many others like yourself can benefit from all the learning and chizuk you get while hearing the shiurim.  So let others know about us.  You, too, will share in this great mitzvah of harbotzas Torah.  In the zechus of all this learning, may be merit Moshiach speedily in our days.