Sunday, May 24, 2009

Daf 30 - Quiz

Q. What are 2 concerns one may have when having guests over ?

A. Not to cause them to be envious of you & not to have them steal things.
Q. Which 2 types of materials are fragile & thus should not be touched while waiting to return them ?

A. Gold & glass
Q. If there is a sock for example in a cemetary or on the street who would be exempt from the Mitzva of returning it ?

A. A kohen is not permitted to enter a cemetary & a person who not carry his own sock is exempt.

Q. What if a person would still like to return it even though it is beneath his dignity is it permitted ?

A. Yes. It is considered going beyond the requirements of the law.

Q. What are 2 reasons for the destruction of Yerusholayim ?

A. For not going beyond the basic requirements & for sinas chinom. Tosfos.

Q. How is it possible to get a Mitzva even 100 times ?

A. If he returned a lost animal & it ran away that many times.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.