Friday, May 22, 2009

Daf 29 - Quiz

Q. How responsible is someone who is watching an item he found ?

A. Raboh - like a Shomer Chinom.
R. Yosef - a Shomer Sochor

Q. If he sold the item & is now holding the money instead , how responsible is he ?

A. R. Tarfon - he may use the money thus he is like a Shoel.
R. Akiva - he may not use it & he is less responsible.
Q. But what if he found actual money with a siman that he is obligated to return , may he use that ?

A. No. & he is like a Shomer Sochor.
Q. What are the rules of taking care of a found object while waiting for the owner ?

A. Each item according to its needs so that it does not get ruined.

Q. Where was the best place to buy Tefilin in the days of Abayei ?
A. By Bar Chovu.

Q. If you borrowed a pen for 10 minutes & than someone asked you if they can use for a moment to write one word is that permitted ?

A. No.
Q. What type of water should a person avoid drinking ?
A. Warm water.

Q. How can a person lose money quickly ?
A. By not supervising his staff.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.