Q. What is meant by - one may not pass by food ?
A. Rashi & Tosfos - one has to pick it up.
Q. Why ?
A. Some say just as we may not leave a Sefer on the floor , we surely pick it up , so too , food is a great miracle of Hashem , the fuel that keeps us alive. We must treat it with respect.
Q. What is the common denominator between
Don't pass by food &
Don't pass by a Mitzva opportunity ?
A. Treat them both right as we said above.
Q. What would be definite yiush ?
A. If the owner said - woe I lost it.
Q. If you find something in the street that appears to have been left there intentionally , should you leave it there for the owner ?
A. No. Take it & anounce it.
Q. Can a knot or the place be a valid Siman ?
A. Yes.
Q. What may be an even better Siman ?
A. The measurements , wieght , or the amount of items.
Q. What unusual shape of a cut of meat is used as an example of a siman ?
A. A triangle.
Q. Who used that shape ?
A. Raboh bar Rav Huna.
Q. Which 3 areas is a person encouraged to be careful not to speak so freely ?
A. About his learning - be humble.
- about his personal behavior - be modest.
- about favors others have done for him - be discreet.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.