Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Daf 27- Quiz

Q. How many specific items does the Torah mention regarding lost & found , in Dvarim 22 ?

A. 4. An ox , sheep , donkey & garment.

Q. How is a garment different than the other 3 ?
A. It is man made thus it may have a siman.
Q. What is the root of the word Simlah ( a garment ) ?

A. Sheim loh - it has a name for itself.
Q. If you find an item worth less than a peruta what should you do ?

A. There is no obligation.

Q. What is the most significant facial feature for purposes of identification ?

A. The nose.
Q. What is the connection between the nose ( chotem ) & a sin ( chait ) , it is the same hebrew word ?

A. We need to avoid sticking our noses into the wrong places that may lead to sins.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.