Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Daf 33 - Quiz

Q. If a person finds something he himself lost & someone elses but he is only able to handle one of them , which comes first ?

A. His own is always first.
Q. His Fathers or his Rebbis which comes first ?

A. His Rebbi.

Q. How do we explain the difference between a Parent & a Rebbi ?

A. Parents brought us into this world , a Rebbi is one who enables us to merit the World to Come.

Q. How do we know that a person should try to avoid poverty ?

A. From Davarim 15:4.
Q. What are the 3 opinions of what defines one special Rebbi ?

A. R. Meir - taught him Gemara
R. Yehuda - most of his learning.
R. Yosi - even if he explained one Mishna.
Q. Which type of learning is called the best form of study ?

A. Gemara.
Q. Which learning should one always run to ?

A. Mishna.

Q. Who will rejoice when Moshiach comes ?

A. All Jews.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.