Monday, July 13, 2009

Daf 80. Taste of Daf Quiz

Q. Which is heavier 100 lbs of wheat or of feathers ?

A. They may be of equal weight but the bulkiness of the feather load may harm the animal thus he is liable.

Q. If a boss gave a worker an extra heavy load what are the consequences ?

A. The boss may have to pay for injuries & to pay more for the delivery.
Q. What are the 3 ways of measuring an item ?
A. Heaping measure - godush
Regular - medium - tafuf
Packed down - mochuk.
Q. What is the status of a worker who has an item that he is repairing ?
A. He is responsible for it as a paid watchman.
Q. Why we try to fit the Mishna according to R. Meir ?

A. Because of the general principle that a stam Mishna is from R. Meir.

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.