Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Daf 83. Taste of Daf Quiz

Q. Where do find a case when the Torah says one should pay , but the Sages say he can swear & be exempt ?
A. One who was hired to transport a barrell which broke enroute , he should pay , but the Sages were concerned that people would refrain from such jobs thus he can swear.
Q. When do we say that we do not allow him to swear. ?
A. If its a place where witnesses are usually available we insist on that.

Q. For how many barrells of wine do we say it would be known to many if they turned sour ?

A. 400.

Q. Where is a source that one should not collect payment from a worker who messsed things up & also pay them a sallary ?

A. Mishlei 2:20
Q. Which part of the day is this world compared to ?

A. The nighttime.
Q. What type of words indicate that a person is wicked ?
A. Words of chutzpa.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.