Sunday, May 3, 2009

Daf 9- Quiz

Q. If someone found an item that was hefker & he lifted it up partially , does he acquire it. ?

A. Not yet.
Q. How can there be a case where 3 people will end up owning the animals rope ?

A. Where one person is riding the animal & the other is holding the end of the rope & a third grabs the middle of it.
Q. If he was told to acquire the animal in the usual way , what is that ?
A. Not to ride it in the city where it is not proper.

Q. Where & for who might it be valid ?

A. In a riding area ,
For a dignified person or an undignified one , or for a woman.
Q. When can a person acquire items on the back of an animal through the animal ?

A. If the animal is tied up so that it cannot walk.

Q. What about in a rowboat ?

A. He does acquire things.

Q. If a person asks someone to pick up a find for him & the listener takes action & then claims he did it for himself , can he keep it ?
A. Yes.
Q. How can a person become an instant pauper ?

A. By saying all of his assests are hefkar.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.