Saturday, May 9, 2009

Daf 16 - Quiz

Q. When Mar Zutra & R. Ashi debate an issue which way does the Halacha go ?

A. The second Tosfos says we follow Rav Ashi for 3 reasons
He was the later Sage , he was greater in wisdom & in number.

Q. Is a gift more like an inheritance or like a purchase ?

A. It is a dispute.
Q. What did Rav Nachmans father do ?

A. He was a scribe who worked for the Beis Din of Shmuel.

Q. Where does it say in the Torah Be good or Be a nice Person ?

A. Dvarim 6:18.
Q. Where do find in one verse the word TOV / good , 3 times in various forms ?

A. Ibid.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.