Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Daf 12 - Quiz

Q. If a 10 year old boy or girl finds a hundred dollars who gets to keep it ?

A. If there is no Siman their Father gets it.

Q. Is a poor worker allowed to have his children follow behind as he works to collect the gleanings for the poor ?

A. Yes.
Q. What are 2 reasons one may not own a lion or a wild dog ?

A. They may harm someone ,
They may scare away poor people whe come for charity.
Q. What if a 15 year old son who stays at home found something ?

A. Shmuel - he keeps it.
R. Chiya bar Abah - its the Fathers.
Q. What if he hired a worker to collect finds such as fish but the worker also found a box of gems who gets it ?
A. The employer. Rambam.

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.