A. If the place is enclosed.
Q. Which is the only Mitzva that one cannot fulfill if he never forgets anything ?
A. To leave a forgotten bundle for the poor.
Q. If a field is not enclosed what other option is there to enable the field to acquire something for him?
A. If he is there to watch it.
Q. Why did they give R. Yehoshua ben Chananya Maaser Rishon ?
A. He was a Leivi.
Q. Why did they give R. Akiva ben Yosef Maaser ani ?
A. He was a Gabai Tzedaka.
Q. Can a person be forced to accept a gift ?
A. No.
Q. If he received it & than says I don't want it , what happens ?
A. It becomes hefker.
Q. What if he says from the beginning I refuse to accept it ?
A. It belongs to the original owner.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.