Shin - 300
Lamid - 30
Gimel - 3.
To teach us the essence of snow is the combination of small snowflakes that are layered together in threes.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Gems of Torah by Rabbi Moshe Goldberger. We can use these essential "Gems" interspersed throughout our day to add vital meaning and inspiration.
Shin - 300
Lamid - 30
Gimel - 3.
To teach us the essence of snow is the combination of small snowflakes that are layered together in threes.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
We see from the Parsha what Yaakov Avinu did first !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Rav Miller explains that the snow is a special gift
- like 5 rains.
It waters the soil gradually & thoroughly.
Like wool
White to repel the suns rays
& fluffy to insulate the soil like a blanket in the winter which eventually melts to water the soil.
Boruch Hashem
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Why were there 7 cows in Parohs dream ?
Why were there 7 years of famine ?
Why are there 7 days in every week ?
To remind us Who is in control - Hashem the Creator & controller of all.
Which day of the week is most significant ?
Shabos. The day which teaches us the purpose of life - to serve Hashem.
Thus one day out of every 7 , the minority is the one to overcome & guide us to understanding the majority - the Message of Chanuka !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
The Rambam says
Shabos !
Why ?
Because its for Sholom Bayis.
Why is that so special ?
He says the entire Torah was given to us to promote peace !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
The message is there is more to light than the ability to see by it !
The message is that there are many deeper , profound , life - changing messages. !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Thus it pays to study Brochos 10 a where we learn of 5 worlds that we pass through & the obligation to sing praises to Hashem for them.
1- 9 months of miracles in the womb
2- after birth seeing the stars Hashem made for us !
3- the miracle of 2 fountains of milk mothers have when they need them.
4 - Hashem saves us from enemies
5 - the final day of life which is the transition to the World to Come of eternal roads.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
They help promote peace which is the primary purpose of the whole Torah.
But why does that override the Chanuka lights which reminds us that Hashem saves us even with miracles ?
Promoting peace is a means of helping people ourselves thus we are emulating Hashems ways !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Rashi says it in 4 hebrew words. !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Hi Rabbi Goldberger, Attached, I have included in this email the original Document with the changes implemented.... Plus, I took the liberty of adding Four different background pictures of Tefillin. You can choose to go with either of the four, or just simply go with the one without any background, if you think that adding the pictures makes it too noisy and takes away from the content... It's your call.. Print out all five pages and see for yourself... Avi |
Prayer &
Battle preparations.
These corrfespond to
The 3 pillars of the universe
Torah , Avoda & Chesed.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
To teach us to live in the 613 Mitzvos , not just to visit them periodically.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Mishlei 18:13
One who speaks before paying attention it is foolish & shameful.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
- In order to excel one should at times go far away to study.
- Go to other Rebbi s also to study.
- In different places you may discover great Torah treasures
- there is a concept that Torah insights maybe limited in some places but abundant in other places.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
His parents told him to go get married but he went to study Torah first. ?
One explanation is because the Talmud says - study Torah & then get married. Thus he was listening to them by preparing for marriage with his studies.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
What is that ?
The Vilna Gaon explains
If it is not prepared properly !
This is compared to Torah Study. If one only learns superficially with laziness. One must toil to plumb the depth of his learning with clarity.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Shabos Daf 10b
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
One answer is in order that it be more of his toil & effort. !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A golden nose ring that weighed a half Shekel
And 2 gold bracelets weighing a total of 10 shekel. ?
Rashi & others ( 24:22 ) explain that the two bracelets remind us of the purpose of our hands to fulfill the 10 commandments.
The half Shekel reminds us that the gold jewelry is only external we need to back it up with the inner beauty of devotion to Hashems Torah & Mitzvos.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Kidushin 30b
This stops us in our tracks.
There is no other way
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A pitchfork is used to turn the produce around from place to place , so too , we commit to turn ourselves around so that Hashem will turn His decisions , measure for measure.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A pitchfork is used to turn the produce around from place to place , so too , we commit to turn ourselves around so that Hashem will turn His decisions , measure for measure.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
If a spouse asks for one item consider all possible relevant needs and do them all !!
Where do we see this in the parsha ?
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
* She views things with Holiness
* People see her uniqueness. &
* She becomes a leader.
The Dorash Moshe explains that 3 things usually happen when two people meet.
1 - they assess each other
2 - there is a thought decision of who will listen to whom.
Thus the 3 meanings are linked together
1 - Sarah saw the positive qualities of all
2 - people would sense that & think Wow she is great
3 - they would treat her as their leader.
This is from our book Eye Openers. If you would like a copy , please e mail us your address. Also available in stores or from Feldheim pub.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
We have a Mitzva to give the first fruits as an expression of gratitude.
So too don't cook meat in its mothers milk because the milk keeps the babies alive. It shows ingratitude to use the milk to cook the meat.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
The first fruits - Bikurim.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Tosfos explains that it is only a liquid after it is separated from the wax honeycomb.
While it is connected it has the status of a solid food.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Say less & do More !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Water represents Torah & Eretz Yisroel is the center for Torah thus they are linked together !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Why ?
Because in all of our sufferring He joins us.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
The answer has 3 parts -
* for household matters - surely !
* for wordly matters some say yes , some say no.
* for Heavenly Matters - he may know better & they may need to ask a Rav.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
To your Spouse.
If instead you just keep interrupting them with suggestions of solutions , you may be trying to show that you are smart but do you Show You Care about them ?
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Bava Metzia 59a.
You don't need to tell this to your boss but you now have the secret you can begin today.
Ask yourself - what can I do within the next hour to show that I care about my spouse & their needs. ? And then do it !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
To say over this lesson to 2 people.
That Noachs 3 son s names are symbolic of the 3 pillars of the world -
Torah - shaim - shom - we need to be there. Focus on concentrating on one Torah lesson daily with the thought that this study is the greatest Mitzva because it is Hashems word & it brings us closer to Him.
Chom - Cham - we need to be into our Prayers with warmth. Get into it.
Pray for entity 5 times throughout the day with warmth.
Yefes- yofos - smile a pleasant smile at your spouse & show that you care about them.
Thank you all for caring.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
S. Y. C. Club with those of you who would like to join
The objective is to focus on developing ourselves to
Show you care
To serve Hashem & fulfill Torah & Mitzvos properly.
For more info please contact us.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
It depends if the honey is in the combs it is forbidden because it is similar to pulling a fruit off of a tree.
If the honey is loose it is permissible.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
This approach fits with his opinion in Brochos 60b where he teaches that a person should always say - all that Hashem does is for good.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Shaim , Chom & Yefes.
What is the significance of the names he chose ?
These are 3 great principles we need to focus on daily in order to serve Hashem.
1- to be there - focus fully on what you are doing
2 - get warmed up & enthusiastic about it !
3 - beautify the Mitvos in Hashems honor.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Why 2 forms of reward for the same action ?
Dosent Hashem use the system of Measure for Measure ?
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
There was a fellow who would pay all of his bills on mon - day to remind himself that Hashem is our Provider.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Even one minute of study should be precious to you as many hours !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
If he has no choice but to go there & he does his best to avoid seeing that which is improper -- he is considered righteous.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
The origon of the word is
Pura - the bed
Duchtei - that's his place.
That is his attitude , the way he sees himself.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Rashbam explains that it is based on the fact that all those who live in a country accept upon themselves willingly to abide by the laws of that government.
Siman - this is on Daf 54b. When we reverse nun daled , we get din.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
One opinion says a Sefer Torah , the other says - a fruit tree
What is the parallel between the two ?
Each time we study Torah it is like enjoying a delicious fruit of one of Hashems fruit trees
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
He was forced until he says - I am willing !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
He is always close by. He never leaves our side.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Why is he considered wicked initially why not say , if he dosent pay then he is wicked ?
Because initially when he takes the loan he should have solid plans of how he anticipates paying back.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Because an expert is someone who practiced so many times that he perfected his skill to the point that he is does it in its true form.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. Rav.
Q. Why do people keep their need for a loan a secret ?
A. So that their asssests do not become devalued.
Q. How is the word Chazaka used in 2 different ways ?
A. 1 - to do an act of chazaka to acquire a field.
2 - to be there for 3 years & thus establish proof that it is yours.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. A claim that explains how he got it.
Q. Where does it say - open your mouth to defend those who are unable to speak ?
A. Mishlei 31:8.
Q. Is it binding if someone was mochel in error ?
A. No.
Q. Why does a shtar produce more of a kol than witnesses ?
A. They gather to write it & sign it so that everyone hears about it.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Q. What about to certify a shtar ?
A. The 2 witnesses need to testify before 3.
Q. If there was a kinyan do we assume that he also wants it in writing ?
A. Yes.
Q. What is the concern if a lesson was not expressed specifically ?
A. The comparison may not be precise.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Q. How many people does one need to register a protest ?
A. There is a dispute - 2 or 3.
Q. How often does a protest need to be repeated ?
A. Once before the end of each 3 year period.
Q. Does he need to ask them to put it in writing ?
A. No. The witnesses may do so on their own.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. When that was their agreement.
Q. What are the 3 sections of Eretz Yisroel regarding Chazoka ?
A. Yehuda , the other side of the Yardain & the Galil.
Q. Which country took a year of travel to reach from Erets Yisroel in those days ?
A. Spain.
Q. What is Mardin ?
A. Murder.
Q. What is required to be a formal protest ?
A. So & so has stolen my field.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. No.
Q.I what is the law if someone claims ownership on an animal that is left wandering around ?
A. He needs proof.
Q. Were the people of Mechuza wealthy or poor ?
A. Wealthy.
Q. If someone plowed a field is that proof of ownership ?
A. It is a dispute.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. A throw of the Judges.
Q. What is it based on ?
A. Rashbam - give it to whom the judge thinks the giver would prefer.
Rabeinu Tam - whoever the judge chooses to give it to.
Q. If 2 people were fighting over ownership of an item & a third person grabs it , do we remove it from him ?
A. R. Chiya - no
R. Ashi - yes.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A friend of mind (invented) and sells a portable sink. Please forward to a/o that you think may benefit from it. He ships worldwide. Please tell them to say that I referred you.
Thank You,
Akiva Goldberger
Gmar chasima tova!
Dear Akiva;
Here is the scoop; I sell a mobile sink, supremely suitable for Sukkos. It is ideal for washing hands in the Sukkah without going back and forth to the house or hauling water in bowls. In fact, you can fill it just once in the beginning of Yomtov and have it last throughout the entire holiday! (Obviously, this depends on the size of your family!)
This is also the solution for people who need a sink for older people who would rather have the sink rolled to them than walk to the sink, someone who would like to fill his bedside hand-washing water once a month instead of every day, individuals that wish to wash hands in the dining room itself and so on.
Here is a direct link to my website, where you can read up on this new invention, and see for yourself how it works
A. He has to pay it back.
Q. How was R. Aba referred to ?
A. The Sage of Eretz Yisroel.
Q. What is the law if 2 people claim an item is theirs ?
A. Whoever has more power gets it. ***
Q. Why don't we say they should divide it ?
A. Tosfos has 2 answers - the first is because they were not holding it.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Q. At what age can someone negotiate a claim from an orphan ?
A. If they are 13.
Q. Who did Rav Chisda refer to as a great person ?
A. Rav Idi bar Avin.
Q. What is a nascha ?
A. A bar of silver or gold.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. It is a dispute.
Q. What if they did not report the episode at the same time ?
A. That is also a dispute.
Q. Is the halacha here like Raboh or like R. Yoseif ?
A. Like both , see Rashbam & Tosfos.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Nehardoi - no.
Q. Where was Ameimar from ?
A. From Nehardoeh.
Q. Who was first Rava or Rav Huna ?
A. Rav Huna.
Q. What are ashlei ravravei ?
A. Big trees or big ropes.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. There is a dispute if it is included in the sale.
Q. For how long can a person claim I was busy at the market ?
A. 30 days
Q. If someone asked to buy a property is that proof that he may not turn around & claim it is really his all along ?
A. No. He may have been offering to buy it to avoid controversy.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. Because every person has friends.
Q. How can we know if the person was there at nights also ?
A. By asking neighbors.
Q. What is Itra ?
A. A document with witnesses that they divided it between them.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Have a happy & healthy sweet new year.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. A Shalchin field needs water daily & it produces all the time. A Baal field is satisfied with rainwater & it produces once a year.
Q. Where do we see that it takes 3 times to establish a proof of ownership ?
A. By an ox that gores 3 times.
Q. What is unique about fig trees ?
A. The fruits do not all ripen at the same time.
Q. Which Sage had gone to Usha ?
A. R. Yishmoel
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. No.
Q. What if he bought two trees ?
A. He brings bikurim without reciting the Parsha.
Q. 3 trees ?
A. He brings & recites.
Q. From which fruits are we obligated to bring Bikurim ?
A. From the special 7.
Q. What can you do if you own a small piece of land ?
A. 4 things :
The Mitzva of Peah
To write a Pruzbul
& to acquire movable property.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. Yes.
Q. What connection is there between the prohibition against cutting down a fruit tree & the life of a person ?
A. A person is compared to a tree thus one may affect the other.
Q. How far do the main nourishing roots of a tree extend ?
A. 16 amos.
Q. What does Ulah say about Bikurim from a tree that someone planted within 16 amos of a neighbors field ?
A. He is considered a thief thus
Rashi - there is no need to bring Bikurim
Tosfos - its forbidden.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. 50 Amos.
Q. Which is the opinion we follow in regard to which direction to face when we pray ?
A. Towards Yerusholayim. Tosfos.
Q. What is the extra benefit of praying towards the southwest ?
A. To achieve wisdom & wealth.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
He can connect us quickly to the right agent who can make it happen.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. Rav - it depends where - if in a Jewish area it is permissible to have hanoeh from it
Shmuel - no.
Q. Where do thieves refrain from hiding certain types of loot ?
A. At the scene of the crime.
Q. What is the farthest we keep some trees from a city ?
A. 50 amos
Q. Why. ?
A. For the beauty of the land in Erets Yisroel
Q. What can we expect of a pot on the stove if we have two chefs ?
A. The food will not be hot or cold. .
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. 50 amos.
Q. If we have a conflict between the principle of follow the majority & follow that which is closer , which concept wins ?
A. The majority.
Q. Why was R. Yirmiya sent out of the Yeshiva ?
A. Because his question was considered disrespectful.
Q. When did they allow him back in ?
A. At Daf 165.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. Those who sell cosmetics for Jewish Women.
Q. What is the penalty for one who causes a punishment to come upon another person ?
A. He is not invited to come close to the Holy One who is Blessed.
Q. From whom do we learn to avoid giving a public lecture if one was unable to prepare adequately ?
A. From Rav Nachman bar Yitzchok. ***
Q. How much distance is required not to block ones light ?
A. 4 amos
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
The answer is twofold
- act with integrity
& pray to the Master /Owner of all wealth.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. One of the Kohanim Gedolim at Bayis Sheini who was very great.
Q. What was his main accomplishment ?
A. That we should have yeshivos for children all over.
Q. How many students should there be in one class ?
A. 25.
Q. How can jealousy be used in a positive way ?
A. To increase wisdom.
Q. Why is it a great concern that a teacher of children should be careful to avoid mistakes ?
A. The ramifications may be catastrophic.
Q. Are we allowed to fire a teacher for misconduct without prior warning ?
A. Yes.
Q. What is called irreversible loss ?
A. See the second Tosfos on 21b.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
He is the One & Only
Love Him
Fear Him
Don't stray from serving Him.
He does it all & He is waiting for us to connect more with Him.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. Not when it is by itself.
Q. What is the general rule for making a partition ?
A. Any material may be used besides salt or fats.
Q. Where do we see that neighbors have the right to protest if one person is making noise which makes it difficult for people to sleep ?
A. From the Mishna that people can say - we have trouble sleeping from the noise of your customers coming & going.
Q. What is an exception to this rule ?
A. A person may teach children Torah & not be concerned with the sounds of study.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
The path of Bitochon begins with Prayer to Hashem & continues with Prayer at regular intervals.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. Because it shpritzes all over.
Q. What is meant by yagid olov reioh ?
A. Learn from the context.
Q. Where does it say in the Torah that Hashem will supply Eretz Yisroel with adequate rain ?
A. Dvarim 11:11.
Q. What are the 7 liquids that are considered liquid ?
A. Wine , blood
Oil , milk , dew
Honey & water.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
1- always deal honestly
2- pray for mercy from the Owner of all wealth
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. Rabeinu Gershom explains either the shaking or the noise.
Q. How much space does one need to plow for a vineyard ?
A. 4 amos.
Q. How much space is required between planting a tree and a pit ?
A. 25 amos.
Q. What are the liglugei of a mustard plant ?
A. Rashi - the flowers
Aruch - the seeds
Ri. - the branches.
Q. What is tzunma ?
A. Stone or rock.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. The 3 Avos.
Q. Which 6 people were not affected by the Angel of death ?
A. The 3 avos & Moshe , Aaron & Miriam.
Q. Which 4 people had no sins ?
A. Binyomin , Amrom , Yishai & Kilov.
Q. What do I need to watch out for before digging a hole in my backyard ?
A. How it might affect the neighbors.
Q. How much of a distance may be required ?
A. 3 Tefochim.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
613 - Every Jew should write a Sefer Torah.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. To persuade , prosecute & punish.
Q. Who else besides the evil inclination has good intentions ?
A. Penina
Q. What did Hashem create to serve as an antidote for the evil inclination ?
A. Torah.
Q. Who says , give me good friends or death ?
A. It was a folk saying.
Q. If Avraham Avinu had a daughter what was her name ?
A. Bakol.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. There is a dispute , either Moshe Rabeinu or Yehoshua.
Q. Who were the 7 Prophets for non - Jews. ?
A. Bilam & his father ,
Iyov. ,
Elifaz , Bildad , Tzofar
& Elihu.
Q. Who was Iyov ?
A. That is a great dispute.
Q. Who may have been Iyovs wife ?
A. Dinah.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. 70.
How many times did Rebbi Ami write the verse Torah Tzivo ?
A. 400.
Q. Which 4 prophets were in the same era ?
A. Hoshea , Yeshaya , Amos & Micha.
Q. What can a person do to prevent one from losing a small item ?
A. Connect it to some other items to make it larger.
Q. What is the meaning of the name Russ ?
A. She produced a descendant Dovid who sang an abundance of songs & praises in Hashems honor.
Q. How many Sages have some of their compositions included in Sefer Tehilim ?
A. 10.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. R. Yehuda - you buy me out or I will buy you out.
R. Nachman - no. Let them just remain partners.
Q. Who was first to state - the world was created for people to be fruitful & multiply ?
A. Beis Shamai
Q. Why might someone refuse to accept a gift ?
A. It says in Mishlei - those who hate gifts will live.
Q. How many volumes of Prophets are there ?
A. 8.
Q. How many of Kesuvim ?
A. 11.
Q. May one place a Novi sefer on top of Kesuvim or the reverse ?
A. It dosent matter. Tosfos
# ##
Q. How much space do we leave between one chumash & another ?
A. 4 lines.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. When its door frame has been removed.
Q. Are people allowed to put up doors to close off their street ?
A. No. Because it may cause a hindrance to the public who pass by.
Q. Who is greater a prophet or a Sage ?
A. The Sage can be greater.
Q. Nowadays , which two types of people may say words of prophecy ?
A. Fools & children.
Q. How did Mar bar R. Ashi sign his name ?
A. Tavyomi.
Q. What does that mean ?
A. Have a good day.
Q. When is something called a measure of Sedom ?
A. When another person will benefit & you don't lose.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. Like saving the entire world. !
Q. What is the key factor in determining whether or not partners can split an item ?
A. If the item will still maintain its name after the division.
Q. How much room do we leave a person around his doorway in order to unload ?
A. 4 amos
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Q. Which Mitzva brings the redemption closer ?
A. Giving Tzedaka.
Q. Which Halacha is taught twice in Shulchan Aruch ?
A. That one should give charity before prayer.
Its in the halachos of prayer because the prayer becomes more effective.
Its also by hilchos Tzedaka because the charity also becomes improved.
Q. What can a person take along to the World to Come ?
A. Ones Torah learning.
Q. Which nation is called the One unique nation ?
A. The Jewish Nation
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
3 for Maaser Sheini
1 to Emulate Hashems ways
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. Rav Asi.
Q. Does that mean it is greater than Torah study also. ?
A. No. By Torah study it says it is greater than all. Here it says equal to all Mitzvos.
Q. How is Tzedaka compared a suit of armor ?
A. Every small contribution combines to a great force of protection.
Q. What can be greater than the prayers of Moshe Rabeinu ?
A. Giving charity in a secret manner
Q. How many blessings does one gain for giving money to charity & how much more for adding kind words ?
A. 6 & 11. A total of 17.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. From the Torah , the Prophets & Kesuvim.
Q. Which group of people are the cause of misfortune to the world ?
A. Unlearned ones.
Q. What are the 3 mitzvos for which one may even sell a Sefer Torah ?
A. To study Torah , to get married & to redeem a captive. Tosfos.
Q. Which type of charity is called the great Mitzva ?
A. Pidyon Shevuyim.
Q. Why did R. Shmuel bar Shilas stay away from his garden for 13 years ?
A. Because of his devotion to teaching his disciples.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. 4 answers -
Rashi - a fancy home
Tosfos / Aruch - a cave
Ri - an open porch
R. Gershom - a room.
Q. If a person wants a favor from another whereby he will benefit without causing any loss , can we insist that it be done ?
A. Yes. To avoid Midas Sedom.
Q. What were the names of R. Chidas 2 sons ?
A. Mar yenuka & Mar Keshisha
Q. Where did Shmuel & R. Chama live ?
A. In Nehardoeh
Q. What may be a reason why Eliyohu Hanovi would stop coming to visit someone ?
A. If he blocks the poor from listening to their needs.
Q. Which group of people are exempt from chipping in for security for the city ?
A. Torah scholars.
Q. What does - I am like a wall - refer to ?
A. The Torah
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. Yes.
Q. How is a rachava the opposite of a front yard ?
A. It is a back yard.
Q. If someone allowed his neighbor some use of his property for Sukos may he also extend that use for during the year ?
A. Not unless he gets specific permission.
Q. When should a fence be
4 amos high ?
10 tefochim high ?
3 tefochim ?
A. 4 - to block vision
10 - to stop from stealing
3 - to stop animals.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. Rava.
Q. If the wall of a yard fell down do we force them to rebuild ?
A. Yes.
Q. Do people ever pay their debts early ?
A. There is a dispute.
Q. What is the halacha ?
A. Like Reish Lokish that people do not generally pay early.
Q. What can a person do if he does want to pay early ?
A. Use witnesses.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. For a regular Jew - once Malkus.
For a Judge - twice
Nosi. - three times.
Q. Is a person allowed to give good advice to a wicked person ?
A. No.
Q. What are 2 metaphors which describe the Beis Hamigdosh ?
A. The light of the world & the Eye of the world.
Q. What was unique about the building that Hurdos built ?
A. It resembled the waves of the ocean.
Q. If someone put up a fence all around a persons field , how much do they need to chip in ?
A. R. Huna - half of all the expenses.
Chiya - half of a cheap fence.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Q. What is it that we never allow to split ?
A. A holy Sefer.
Q. What is the meaning of traksin ?
A. Tosfos explains - the wall which blocked off the Luchos which were from Sinai.
Q. Is it permissible to demolish a Shul when we to build a new one ?
A. No. The new one has to be built first.
Q. When can there be an exception ?
A. If the old one is falling down.
Q. Why did Hurdos spare the Sage Bava ben Buta ?
A. To serve as his advisor.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
It begins with going to battle because that is the plan of this world we need to battle the evil inclination to serve Hashem.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. Yes.
Q. Why ?
A. To avoid visual damage.
Q. How thick should the wall be ?
A. Follow the local custom.
Q. How high ?
A. 4 amos.
Q. What are 2 possible ways to translate the word Mechitza ?
A. A wall or a division.
Q. Is visual damage considered as regular damage ?
A. That is a question the gemara strives to prove.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
Q. What is a geza ?
A. Tree trunk.
Q. What are shoroshim ?
A. Underground roots.
Q. What is the halacha ?
A. We follow R. Shimon ?
Q. Why ?
A. Perhaps because it is sort of a compromise.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. No.
Q. Can you insist to pay a worker with merchandise ?
A. No.
Q. How much time would Beis Din usually give a person to clear away a potential problem ?
A. 30 days.
Q. If someone would watch a owner less item does it become his ?
A. There is a dispute.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
A. A Sage who was a disciple of Reish Lokish.
Q. When we say that a person is always responsible as a Muad , how far does it go ?
A. Whether awake or asleep , shogeg or meizid.
Why should we follow the opinion of R. Nosson ?
A. He was a Judge who would delve into the depths of the issue.
Q. What does he hold if we need to divide the land between the owner of the upstairs & the owner of the downstairs ?
A. The lower gets 2/3
The upper 1/3.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.