Thursday, November 12, 2009

Name Insights

Rashi explains 3 meanings for Sarahs name Yiskoh.

* She views things with Holiness

* People see her uniqueness. &

* She becomes a leader.

The Dorash Moshe explains that 3 things usually happen when two people meet.
1 - they assess each other

2 - there is a thought decision of who will listen to whom.

Thus the 3 meanings are linked together
1 - Sarah saw the positive qualities of all

2 - people would sense that & think Wow she is great
3 - they would treat her as their leader.

This is from our book Eye Openers. If you would like a copy , please e mail us your address. Also available in stores or from Feldheim pub.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.