A. 4 answers -
Rashi - a fancy home
Tosfos / Aruch - a cave
Ri - an open porch
R. Gershom - a room.
Q. If a person wants a favor from another whereby he will benefit without causing any loss , can we insist that it be done ?
A. Yes. To avoid Midas Sedom.
Q. What were the names of R. Chidas 2 sons ?
A. Mar yenuka & Mar Keshisha
Q. Where did Shmuel & R. Chama live ?
A. In Nehardoeh
Q. What may be a reason why Eliyohu Hanovi would stop coming to visit someone ?
A. If he blocks the poor from listening to their needs.
Q. Which group of people are exempt from chipping in for security for the city ?
A. Torah scholars.
Q. What does - I am like a wall - refer to ?
A. The Torah
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.