Thursday, August 20, 2009

Daf 119. Taste of Daf Quiz

Q. What are the 3 opinions of what to do with vegetables that grow between two gardens ?
A. R. Meir - to the upper
R. Yehuda - to the lower.
R. Shimon - whatever the upper can reach to him , the rest to the lower.
Q. What are the reasons ?
A. R. M. - follow the source.
R. Y. - follow the airspace.

Q. What is a geza ?

A. Tree trunk.
Q. What are shoroshim ?

A. Underground roots.

Q. What is the halacha ?
A. We follow R. Shimon ?

Q. Why ?

A. Perhaps because it is sort of a compromise.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.