Sunday, August 16, 2009

Daf 115. Taste of Daf Quiz

Q. Being that a mashkon needs to be returned for use whenever necessary what purpose does it serve ?

A. To prevent shmita from cancelling the debt , to prevent a denial of the loan & to cause people to hurry to pay , see Tos.

Q. When is it permitted to enter a home to take a mashkon ?

A. If someone owes you payment for work you did.
Q. What type of woman is it forbidden to take a mashkon from ?
A. A widow.

Q. How great was Avigail ?
A. She was one of 7 prophetses in history.
Q. Who holds we follow the reasoning of a Torah teaching to make a difference ?

A. Rebbi Shimon.

Q. Who holds there is no malkus for a lav that is in a general context ?
A. Abayei.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.