Friday, July 16, 2010

Choosing Words - 54

The phrase , guard your tongue , follows the verse , who desires life , loves days to see good.
This teaches us the proper attitude. Words should not become our enemy. They can be our friends when we learn how to avoid the negative & choose the right ones.

Here are some tips on finding the best words & feeling better.
1. Relax your mind & emotions, realize that Hashem will help you & enjoy the process. When you focus on loving the days Hashem provides , He will expand your time to get more done.
2. Hashem has ways of providing you with an abundance of the right words at the right time.
3. Keep good cheer & joy at the top of your list of priorities. Don't rush , think instead , how can I enjoy this project Hashem is sending my way. ?
4. Take a pause when you feel drained. Say , let me catch my breath with some silence to regenerate my supply of words.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.