Friday, March 13, 2009

Daf 77 - Quiz

Q. Which is the shortest amud in this Mesechta ?

A. 77a which consists of 9 words.

Q. Why is this amud so unique ?

A. Its about the Unique Red Cow. Rambam says there were only 9 of them in History so far - corresponding to the 9 words on this amud. The tenth will be done when Moshiach comes.

Q. Do the laws of 4/5 apply to a mixbreed animal ?

A. Yes

Q. Is a mixbreed animal Kosher for a Korban / offering ?

A. No.

Q. Why are the laws of offerings more stringent ?

A. It is as if the animal has a blemish.


Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.