Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Daf 75 - Quiz

Q. What is the rule if someone admitted to being guilty to pay a fine , but then witnesses testified against him ?

A. Rav - he is exempt
Shmuel - he is obligated

Q. Thus how can there be a case where witnessnes came against him & he can still be exempt ?

A. If he had been Modeh first , according to Rav.

Q. But when he does not pay the fine , what about the principal amount ?

A. That he does pay

Q. When we say he pays 4/5 is the kefel included ?

A. Yes.

Q. If there are witnesses who for some reason cannot be incriminated with Hazoma , does that matter ?

A. There testimony is not valid in the first place.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.