Sunday, March 8, 2009

Daf 72 - Quiz

Q. At which point is a shechita considered slaughtered ?

A. Reish Lokish - at the end.
R. Yochanon - from the start to the finish.

Q. One may slaughter a chulin animal all over , besides one place ,where is that ?

A. In the Beis Hamigdosh or the Azora courtyard.

Q. May a wicked Jew serve as a witness ?

A. No.


Q. A witness who was contradicted with hazama from when is he disqualified ?

A. Abayei - retroactively from when he sinned.
Rava - from when he is caught.

Q. Why is eid zomain considered a Chidush ?

A. Because there are 2 witnesses against 2 , why listen to the second group ?

Q. Why is daf 72 the daf for Purim ?
A. Ayin beis are the first 2 letters of the word Eved. On Purim we learn to commit ourselves to serve Hashem as an eved to a Master.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.