Thursday, December 29, 2011

How to Approach

Yehuda came close to approach him.
We learn how to prepare ourselves to deal with situations. The gentle way , the prayerful method , the thinking - how can I get through ?
As we learn in Mishlei , with understanding we can succeed.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Secret

To merit a Miracle.
The Talmud , Brochos Daf 20a , tells how -
When you give your all for Kidush Hashem -
Measure for measure - Hashem does more for you !
Message of Chanuka
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

358 = 358

The 4 letters on a dreidel equal to 358.
The 4 letters of the word Moshiach is also 358.
The obvious connection is that we spin to thank for the miracles & to pray for miracles again.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Monday, December 19, 2011

How Few ?

Many in the hands of a few ?

How many ?

Rashi , Dvarim 33: 10 ,
12 sons of Chashmenoi & Elozer
Fought against many tens of thousands.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chanuka Gift

If you would like a copy of
The book -
The ketores & its Blessings
Please e mail us your mailing address. Enjoy
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Why ?

Why didn't Hashem have them find enough oil to last for 8 days ?

To teach us that when you have enough to get started don't worry about the rest.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Where does it say ?

His wife is considered as himself.

A. 4 places in the Talmud -
In Brochos , Kesubos , Minachos &
Ishto kegufo.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fw: Question of lIfe

How to use our Free will.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

From: Rochel Eisner <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 11:31:25 -0800 (PST)
To: Rabbi Goldberger<>
ReplyTo: Rochel Eisner <>
Subject: Question of lIfe

Booklet is attached. 
All the Best,
Rochel Eisner
Creative Director
Chief Copywriter
Pen & Paper Writing
(732) 771-7378

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Water Metaphor

The Talmud compares the Torah to Water.

It is a universal solvent , which can flow all over , nourish everything & pierce through , even stone. And like water , it can become stagnant & even poisonous if it is not allowed to flow freely.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Not Alone

The Torah teaches that Yaakov was left alone & thus got into a difficult struggle.
One of the lessons from this is

It is not good for a person to be alone.
This is one of the fundamental purposes of the Mitzva to get married , to acquire friends & to accept upon oneself a mentor for guidance.
Koheles sums up -

Two are better than one.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Roses are Red

& full of lessons.

Rashi , Tehilim 45 , explains :
Sages are compared to Roses - they are gentle , beautiful & full of good deeds as Roses.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Greatest Career Move

Yaakov Avinu's greatest career move was when he went to Yeshiva for 14 years !

It elevated him to the highest of levels. !
Who got him to go ?
One of his best enemies - aisov.
Thus we see an example of Gam zu Ltovah ! !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Divide it up.

We learn from Yaakov to divide our assets for safety & survival.
A person should always divide his money into 3 portions.
1/3 real estate
1/3 merchandise &
1/3 available funds for sudden opportunities. Bava Metzia 42 a.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Focus , clarity & Action

Why does the Torah spend a verse to say that Yaakov left one place to go to another place ?

This teaches us the principle -

On the path one is determined to go , Hashem will lead him.

When you go with clarity , focus & action , Hashem will make it happen. !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Greatest Prayers

What are 4 of the greatest requests we should be asking From Hashem ?

That we should not be poor ,

Not a leper ,
Not blind ,
& to have children.
See the last Tosfos in Nedorim 64b.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Name Lessons

The first 2 sons of Yaakov have names which guide us to succeed in our daily lives.
1 - Hashem sees everything

2- Hashem hears all !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Drinking Milk

How do we know that we may drink Kosher Milk , why isn't it considered forbidden as a portion of a live animal ?

The Talmud brings many sources including the Torah's reference to Eretz Yisroel as the land flowing with Milk & honey !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Which Comes First ?

The Prayers or the Needs ?

The Talmud teaches - that Hashem wants to grant us the gift of Prayer. Thus He sends us challenges to motivate us to more & better Prayer.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Most Unique Tent

The most special place in all of history was the tent of Avraham & Sarah.
3 of the features were
The lights that stayed lit miraculously from one erev Shabos to the next ,
The dough that was always blessed ,
& the cloud of glory which enveloped it.

These correspond to the 3 great Mitzvos of women :
- Lighting up the world ,
- Chesed to all ,
& - purity & holiness.

Nidah , Chala & Ner.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Passing the Test.

What is the test of marriage that Rivka passed to win her great Shiduch. ?

To offer to give someone a drink & more to also provide water for the camels. !!
Chesed is the Key.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pay Less

To some that is the name of a store.
It reminds me of the Mishna
Say Less
Which is a key to greatness - see Avos 1: 15.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Power of Names

Why is Avram's name changed to Avraham & Yaakov receives an additional name Yisroel , but Yitzchok's name remains Yitzchok ?

Rav Nisim Gaon explains that Yitzchok had been named by Hashem from before birth thus it was always the same.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Key to Easy Childbirth

Is to focus on the Talmudic teaching that the Key is in Hashems hands.
We need to humble ourselves to think it is all in Hashems hands , all the time.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


If one finds an animal or bird that had injured a person - they have an obligation to take it to Beis Din to destroy.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

How Come ?

When Avraham hears the news that he will be having a baby - he laughs & it is ok - in 17 :17.
When Sarah laughs in 18:12- she is criticized by Hashem.
And when Yishmoel laughs in 21:9
He is expelled ?
Why ?
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Staying Power

Always stay out of the limelight & you will suceed.
Sanhedrin Daf 14 a & 92 a.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Why does the Torah leave out the story of how Avraham Avinu was thrown into a fire in Hashems honor , but we do have the story of his test in leaving his country ?
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Changing ones Life

How can one improve in every area of life ?

By spending time daily with a Torah Sage. Even a half hour a. Day can change everything.
One who walks with Sages becomes wise - Mishlei 13: 20.
See 12:5 that is how Lot became wealthy. Breshis 12:5.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Secret of a Leader

Rashi 1:26 explains
The Torah teaches us good manners & humility that a leader should always consult with & seek permission from his assistants for developing his plans.

Hashem is the absolute leader & yet He demonstrates how we should be humble & emulate His ways.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Finding Favor

How did Noach become so great to find favor in Hashems Eyes ?

We see from the names of his children -

Sheim means name & also what is there. Be focused on what's there & do your best.
Chom means to warm up to serve Hashem with excitement.
Yefes means serve Hashem nicely.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Reminder for Good

Why does the first word of the Torah begin with a Beis , rather than with an Aleph ?

To remind us of Hashems desire to always shower us with Brochos - Blessings. And that , All that Hashem does - everything - is for Good !!
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Unique 2 Mitzvos

Which 2 Mitzvos are unique in that ones entire body is immersed in them ?

The Vilna Gaon says -
Sukah & Eretz Yisroel !!
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Add to your Simcha

This week as we focus on Simcha - don't forget to fulfill your obligation to say -
The World was created because of me !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


How does one achieve true joy ?

Focus on rejoicing with YOUR fabulous portions. !
Is your house larger than your Sukah ?
Have you thanked Hashem for it ?
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Secret of Simcha

The secret of Simcha is that it is one of 3 components of the Mitzva to love Hashem which is one of the greatest Mitzvos that apply all the time & even more on Sukkos.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Friday, October 7, 2011


3 great reasons for the Mitzva to eat well on this Friday -
1 - to celebrate that we have arrived to Tom Kipur ( tomorrow ) the day we have been waiting for to atone for & delete all of our sins.

2 - to celebrate that we have many great Mitzvos to perform tomorrow.
Such as fasting , praying , holiday , repentence , vidui etc.

3 - to prepare to have the strength to pray well & to do proper Teshuva.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

3 Reasons to the great Mitzva to eat on Erev Yom Kipur

Rabeinu Yonah explains

1- we are so happy that the great day of atonement has arrived - it is better than winning a lottery of 10 Million - to become sin free , that we celebrate with a festive meal !

2- We are unable to celebrate the fast day Mitzva with a meal on that day , so we do it the day before.

3- to eat well so that we have the energy to fast well & to focus on utilizing the way to implement lasting improvements in our lives.

Have a gemar Chasima Tova.
You can print this out to use on Friday.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sweet New Year

We use honey , Devash , to symbolize a sweet new year. The Vilna Gaon explains a deeper insight that Devash also stands for

Binah &
3 forms of wisdom which make everything sweeter & better. May you merit the best of the best.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

New book , New year

Please send us your mailing address if you would like a copy of our new book
Prayer Guidelines
For how to find a Shiduch &
How to maintain ones Marriage.
We wish you all a Kesiva Vechasima Tova. If you would like to receive a blessing over the phone you can call our cell at 917 674 6817.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Focus of Elul

The word Elul stands for , I am for my beloved & my beloved is for me !

It also stands for , ish leraaihu & matonos levyonim.
Thus we have both parts of the Torah - between us & Hashem & between each other.
Because it encompasess both.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Blessings of Life

What do we say at least 100 times daily & they are alluded to in the verse - What is it that Hashem your G-D asks of you ?

To recite 100 blessings daily.
Now is the time to improve the way we say the blessings - our Blessings depend on them !!
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pick 7

We bring Bikurim from the first fruits of one of 7 species -
From Wheat , Barley , grapes , Figs , Pomegranates , Olives & Dates.

Now before Rosh Hashana we should ask ourselves - How many of these 7 gifts have we thanked Hashem for ?

He made them alll for us !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Good News. May we always share Simchos !!

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Rachel Lazarus" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 11:32:13

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Which Brocha ?

What Brocha does a Kohen say for eating Bikurim in Yerusholayim ?

That Hashem has sanctified us with the Holiness of Aaron & instructed us to eat this ...
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Before a Speech

While preparing to give a speech & before speaking , one should pray to Hashem -
May it be Your will that I should say words that will be acceptable.

Beitza 38a.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Starting Point

Where does the Rambam teach the laws of the Mitzva to honor respect ones Parents ?

In the laws of Mamrim - not to rebel. Thus he first teaches that who cursed a Parent , chas vesholom , is put to death or punished with lashes.
Thus we see - sur merah & do good - to honor & respect them.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Power of Small Talk

In Brochos 3a , where the Gemara teaches the time for Shma in the morning , it says that there are 3 signs for the right time -

- An infant gets up to nurse from its mother ,
- A wife will spend some time conversing with her husband &
- its time to say the Shma.

What is the common denominator of these 3 issues ?

All 3 are essential connections in life.

- A child must have nourishment , food , nutrition & bonding with its mother.

- A marriage must be maintained with small talk. Conversation that bonds , nurtures & develops caring , sharing & private time together.

- time to say the Shma daily - to say we Love Hashem & connect to Him on a daily basis.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Why ?

Why does he have to keep one in his treasury ?
If its not for use , what is the purpose ?

To teach himself & all of us that the Torah is our greatest & most glorious TREASURE !

What do you keep in your safe ?
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Laws of a Jewish King

When he goes to battle , does he take his Sefer Torah with him ?

Rambam , Melochim 3:1 , says yes.

He needs to write 2 Sefer Toros , one to keep in his treasury , the other to always keep with him.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Preparing for a Hurricane

Part of our preparing should include how can we prepare for Elul.
Which of our sins can we blow away with winds so that we can get on with our programs of teshuve - self - improvement. ?
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Shabos daf 119 a.

1- giving Maaser shows that one knows how to spend his money right.

2- honoring Torah shows that one knows the source of everything - from HashemsTorah.

3- honoring Shabos shows that one knows that Hashem made the world & all money is from Him.

Thus all 3 methods can bring one wealth , measure for measure.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Monday, August 22, 2011

3 Methods

The Talmud teaches 3 ways for becoming wealthy -

1- by giving a tenth to charity

2- by honoring Torah

3- by honoring Shabos

2 questions for you -
Where is this in the Talmud & why
Are there 3 different ways to achieve wealth ?
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Fw: marriage booklet

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

From: Rochel Eisner <>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2011 07:22:50 -0700 (PDT)
To: Rabbi Goldberger<>
ReplyTo: Rochel Eisner <>
Subject: marriage booklet

 Hi, I'm sorry I didn't get to this yesterday.  I'm attaching the corrected booklet.  Have a great shabbos.
All the Best,
Rochel Eisner
Creative Director
Chief Copywriter
Pen & Paper Writing
(732) 771-7378

Brain Food

Where do we learn that the Mann was brain food which made us smarter ?

See verse 8:3. & see Baal Haturim.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


The word Eikev also means the heel of the body which is not the most important part of the body. Why not name a Sedra after the Head or the Heart ?
One of the answers is that although the heel has a humble position it can hold up the entire body when one stands. ! See Baal Haturim.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Friday, August 12, 2011

How to Love

How does one fulfill the Mitzva to Love Hashem ?

Mesilas Yeshorim explains that it includes 3 components :
1- to always be joyfull.

2- to always want to be close to Hashem.
3 - to always defend Hashems honor.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fw: How to get things done booklet

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

From: Rochel Eisner <>
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 08:18:24 -0700 (PDT)
To: Rabbi Goldberger<>
ReplyTo: Rochel Eisner <>
Subject: How to get things done booklet

 Hi, I'm attaching the updated booklet.  Have a great day.
All the Best,
Rochel Eisner
Creative Director
Chief Copywriter
Pen & Paper Writing
(732) 771-7378

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fw: 5 keys booklet

We need to focus on Ahava vechesed.

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

From: Rochel Eisner <>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 10:42:32 -0700 (PDT)
To: Rabbi Goldberger<>
ReplyTo: Rochel Eisner <>
Subject: 5 keys booklet

Hi, I'm attaching the booklet.  Have a great day. 
All the Best,
Rochel Eisner
Creative Director
Chief Copywriter
Pen & Paper Writing
(732) 771-7378

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fw: please forward this to whoever you think would enjoy it - Tizkeh Lamitzvot!!!

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

From: yosef farhi <>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 13:01:17 +0300
Subject: please forward this to whoever you think would enjoy it - Tizkeh Lamitzvot!!!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fw: Dvar Torah


Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

-----Original Message-----
From: brocho erps <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2011 18:20:03
To: <>
Subject: Dvar Torah

It was my turn for Devarim for the Torah Links website. Enjoy!
Love Mayer

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Reveiw Time

Sefer Dvarim is called the review of the Torah.
But we see that it contains 200 Mitzvos of the 613 , many of them which are brand new. ?
Thus we learn how to do review. ! Each time we are to study deeper & to see new levels of profound meaning.
We also learn to spend at least a fifth of our time on review. !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Travel Plans

Why does the Torah spend so much time on travel plans in Masei ?
The Torah lists 42 stations in the midbar.

To teach that we are in this world to travel through & prepare for the World to Come !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fw: Greatest rule of life booklet

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

From: Rochel Eisner <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 19:36:50 -0700 (PDT)
To: Rabbi Goldberger<>
ReplyTo: Rochel Eisner <>
Subject: Greatest rule of life booklet

Hi, I'm attaching the booklet.  Have a good night. 
All the Best,
Rochel Eisner
Creative Director
Chief Copywriter
Pen & Paper Writing
(732) 771-7378

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Basic Lesson

One of the great lessons of Masei is that every place we go to or end up in even for a short while , is where Hashem is sending us for significant Purposes.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

4 Greatest Goals

Torah Study
Good deeds / Chesed
& Business

The Talmud , Brochos 32 b , says that for these 4 we need Chizuk -
Rashi - always with all of ones strength. !

The obvious q.

Why is the fourth item on the list with the first 3 ?

One answer - as we learn in Avos - if there is a lack of sustenance , how will one maintain their Torah study. ?
Thus # 4 is the way to maintain & support the first 3 , when it is done for the proper reasons.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Time to Think

On a fast day we have more time to think.
On this fast , we think of the 5 tradegies that occurred on this day.
- The Luchos were smashed.

Thus we need to think of how to improve our fulfillment of the 10 Commandments. To reconstruct & rebuild the Luchos.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The need of a Mentor

We learn that if a daughter made a vow , the father can cancel it.

If a wife made a vow , the husband can nullify it.

So too , if any person makes a vow , the Rav cancels it.

We all need a Mentor !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Why is Sholom , peace & Sholaim , whole part of the same word ?

A vicious terrorist may claim he wants peace as log as he can continue to blow up people. But the truth is that it would be the opposite of peace to allow him to live.

Peace means 4 things - as Aaron explains in Pirkei Avos.
Love Peace
Pursue it ,
Love people &
Bring them closer to Torah.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Giving it your All

Pinchos was rewarded with a covenant of Peace.
Why was that his reward ?
The word - Sholom , peace &
Sholaim , whole are connected.

He gave it his all , he risked his life to do what was right. Thus he was rewarded in a remarkable , all - encompassing way !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Greatness of Pinchos

The Rambam lists 40 great pivotal leaders who were the key transmitters of the Mesora from

Moshe Rabeinu until Rav Ashi.

The third is Pinchos !

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Taking a Stand

Pinchos took a stand for Hashems honor & thus gained tremendous rewards.
There are 3 components to the Mitzva to Love Hashem :

- Cling To Him

- Rejoice in Serving Him &

- Defend His Honor.
Thus Pinchos performed a great Mitzva of Loving Hashem !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

True Desire

On the path one desires to go ...

How do we define true desire ?

Rotzon , & Rotz are from the same root.
Are you running or walking slowly ?

Are you diligent about it or just wishing ?
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lesson of Perseverance

The Talmud , Makos 10b , says that we learn from Bilam that a person will be led based on his choices.

At first Hashem told him you cannot go. But when he kept pleading that he wants to , Hashem said Ok.

Kal Vchomer , when we strive to do what is right.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Where is the Source ?

That in every person there is a sleeping Lion ?

See Parshas Balak 23: 24

And the first few words of the Shulchan Aruch - Wake up like a Lion to serve Hashem. !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Greatest Peace Pursuer

Who was the greatest pursuer of Peace in history ?

Aaron the Kohen.
We are all taught to learn from him.
In Avos , ch. 1 - Be a disciple of Aaron- Love peace & pursue it , love people !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Water , food & Shelter

In whose merit do we have w.f & s. Nowadays ?

When Miriam passed away the water rock stopped producing , when Aaron passed away the Clouds of Glory shelter stopped. When Moshe rabeinu passed away the Mann stopped.

In the way we make a living we may think we know how we produce income but the truth may be different.
The Torah we study daily may be the merits we live by & the great Torah Teachers we have may be our secret source !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


The non Jew had figured out logically that we need to honor our Parents all the time because they did us the greatest & most unique favor - giving us the gift of life !

Thus they are one of a kind. !
That is why Hashem gave a Parah Aduma , which is one of a kind - measure for measure.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.


The Talmud says that a non Jew was rewarded with a Para Aduma worth millions because he excelled in honoring his parents.

Why was that the measure for measure reward ?
Hashem could have just given him a box of gold as a reward.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Red Cow Message

The laws of Para Aduma are rare & unique. One of the messages for us is how Hashem made laws that are remarkable & memorable. The Rambam says there were only 9 of them so far in history & the tenth will be discovered when Moshcha comes.

We were put here to emulate Hashems ways thus we can think of ideas of how tio fulfill great Mitzvos.
Let us focus on fulfilling a truly amazing Mitzva this week.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Fw: woo-hoo!!

B. H.

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

From: DavidG <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 19:31:24 +0300
To: omind<>
Subject: woo-hoo!!

S. Carolina Legislature Unanimously Endorses 'United Israel'

by Samuel Sokol

The South Carolina state legislature has unanimously passed a bill calling on the state of Israel to retain control over the West Bank and highlighting what it terms the "cordial and mutually beneficial relations" enjoyed by Israel and South Carolina since 1948.

The bill, which was authored by Representative Alan Clemmons (R), was adopted on June 2 and was intended as an indictment of President Obama's Middle East policy, Rep. Clemmons told Israel National News.

The state lawmaker took issue with the President's belief that Jerusalem must be divided and that Israel return to the 1967 lines, he said.

Obama "said that that was what the American people wanted. I remember that I said to my wife when I heard this on Fox News, 'that's not what the American people who I know want!' The next day I started drafting the Resolution."

Clemmons "visited personally with each of the 124 members of the South Carolina House of Representatives to invite their support," he said. "Many chose to cosponsor the bill, which later passed unanimously."

According to the bill, Israel's enemies are also those of the United States and "the State of South Carolina and the nation of Israel have enjoyed cordial and mutually beneficial relations since 1948, a friendship that continues to strengthen with each passing year."

The resolution is entitled, "To commend the nation of Israel for its relations with the United States of America and with the state of South Carolina." It states, "Whereas, Israel has been granted her lands under and through the oldest recorded deed as reported in the Old Testament, a tome of scripture held sacred and reverenced by Jew and Christian, alike, as the acts and words of God; and

"Whereas, as the Grantor of said lands, God stated to the Jewish people in the Old Testament; in Leviticus, Chapter 20, Verse 24: 'Ye shall inherit their land, and I will give it unto you to possess it, a land that floweth with milk and honey'; and

"Whereas, God has never rescinded his grant of said lands; and…

"Whereas, those same haters of Israel also hate, and seek to destroy, the United States of America;…

"Be it resolved by the House of Representatives: That the members of the South Carolina House of Representatives, by this resolution, commend the nation of Israel for its relations with the United States of America and with the State of South Carolina….

"Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Speaker of the House of Representatives of each of South Carolina's sister states within the United States of America with the request and recommendation of this body that a similar resolution to that stated herein be proposed within their respective bodies."

The resolution resolved that "the members of this body support Israel in their natural and God-given right of self-governance and self-defense upon their own lands, recognizing that Israel is neither an attacking force nor an occupier of the lands of others, and that peace can be afforded the region only through a united Israel governed under one law for all people."

While local legislatures do not enjoy any control over foreign policy in the United States, the measure is a harsh indictment of the President's current handling of affairs in the region.

Clemmons stated that he has sent copies of the bill to neighboring states and that "while I have not yet heard back from other states, I'm hopeful that my resolution will encourage others to speak out to show American solidarity with the people of Israel."

A copy of the bill was also sent to Settlement Council head Danny Dayan, who read from it publicly on Monday at a symposium in Jerusalem promoting Israeli annexation of the West Bank.

"My hope was to show the people of Israel that while South Carolina is a small state, with an even smaller Jewish population, they were not alone in their struggles," Clemmons told Israel National News. "That average hot-dog-and-apple-pie-eating-Americans recognize that Israel's hero-settlers are settling and defending the lands inherited from their forefathers, who received it from G-d, and that we support them in their efforts.

"The residents of Israel's settlements have long reminded me of the American Pioneers of the Western United States in the latter half of the 19th Century."

Peace "cannot come through division," Clemmons told Israel National News, explaining that he and his constituents "believe that peace in the region can only come to a united Israel with one law for all of her citizens."

The Palestinian Authority did not respond to requests for comment.


WebStudiyo Productions, Ltd.

David Goldberger
USA # 516.307.2219
Israel mobile 054.2100.112

Thursday, June 23, 2011

How to avoid Machlokes

We need to train ourselves to keep quiet & stay out of dissension & quarrels.

In Mishlei it says-

With an abundance of words it is difficult to avoid Pesha ( sin ).

The Chida says
If the Peh is first - you speak too much - that leads to sin.
But if you practice Shtika - quiet -
You will have Shefa - abundance.

The same 3 letters can be rearranged by us -
Shefa or Pesha !
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Using it Properly.

Why did the earth open up a mouth to swallow up Korach & his 250 people ?
What is the measure for measure message ?

They were using their mouth to swallow up Moshe Rabenu who was the greatest Tzadik of the World. Thus the world swallowed them up.

We need to always use our mouth properly.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fringe Benefits

The Talmud , Shabos 32b , teaches that one who is meticulous in observing the Mitzva of Tzitzis properly will merit to have 2800 employees in his international corporation.
Why is this one of the measure for measure rewards benefits of this particular Mitzva ?
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

3 Mitzvos

For Parshas Shlach there are 3 official Mitzvos in Sefer Hachinuch.
A Siman can be linked to the 3 letters of the word

Sh - Shmiras ainoyim - guarding ones eyes from sites that are forbidden.
L - Ltzitzis

Ch - Taking Chalah which is a gift to kohanim.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Lesson from the Parsha

One of the great lessons from Pesach Sheini which applies every day is
* When one door closes , another has opened.
If I would have ...

I missed the boat ...
That may be true , but there is another one setting sail now.
The one now can end up even better if you grab the opportunity & make it happen with heartfelt prayers to Hashem.
There is more than one great opportunity for each of us - we can ignite the fires within us in this weeks Sedra & grab the second Pesach opportunity.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Friday, June 3, 2011

3 A's of a

Happy Marriage

Affection &
Appreciation !!!
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fw: What Can Hinduism Possibly Teach the Jewish People?

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

From: Gutman Locks <>
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2011 06:29:12 +0300
To: Gutman Locks<>
Subject: What Can Hinduism Possibly Teach the Jewish People?

Har Habayit.jpg



What Can Hinduism Possibly Teach the Jewish People?


     There are tens of thousands of Israelis in India today. Granted, the vast majority of them are there only to “be free” or to “live it up.” But a large number of them are involved with gurus, earnestly searching for spiritual answers in the ashrams. What are they doing wrong?


     Watch this video and learn Hinduism’s message to the Jewish people. Then, if you have some way to send the link to anyone it could help, you might be saving their lives.

Hinduism's Message to the Jewish People


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mitzva Review - 26

111- One may not eat or drink from that which was used for idol worship.

112 - One may not work the fields during Shmita.

113- One may not eat meat that was cooked with milk.
Parshas Vayakhel has one Mitzva -
114- On Shabos , all work is forbidden , we may not even put to death one who Beis Din has a Mitzva to punish with a death penalty.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Mitzva Review - 25

There are 9 Mitzvos in Ki Sisah

105 - Every Jew should donate a half Shekel once a year to fund the Korbonos supply for the entire year. This way it represents all of us.

106 - Every Kohen must wash his hands & feet before entering to serve.

107 - To make a special blend of annoiting oil to sanctify the Kohen Godol & a Jewish King.

108- No one else may use that unique blend of oil.

109- No one may even make that mix.

110 - No one may make the Ketores blend either.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Mitzva Review - 24

There are 7 Mitzvos in Parshas Tetzaveh -

98- To light the Menorah daily. This symbolizes that the source of light is from Hashem whose residence is the Beis Hamigdosh.

99 - Every Kohen has to wear a special outfit when he comes to serve. A regular wore a uniform of 4 garments , a shirt , pants , hat & belt. The Kohen Godol wore 8 garments. This teaches us that the way you dress makes a difference in how you succeed.
100- The Choshen chest plate of the Kohen Godol should not move away from its place on the Eifod apron.
This teaches us to keep things in their proper place.

101- These uniforms should not be ruined or torn in any way.

102 - Those offerings that are supposed to be eaten by the Kohanim should be properly with following the halachic guidelines.
103 - There was a special offering of Ketores spices perfume twice a day that would permeate throughout the entire city. This enhanced the glory of Hashems honor.

104 - The inner , golden Mizbeach was only used daily for this Ketores function.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mitzva Review - 23

Parshas Teruma has 3 Mitzvos -

95- We have a Mitzva to build a Holy Dwelling Place for Hashem which serves as the central place to serve Hashem.

96- Never remove the poles of the Aron from their place. This reminds us to always support Torah & always have Torah with us.

97- Always do the Mitzva of having special Food on the shulchan in the Bais Hamigdosh. Thus Hashem will always bless our food supply.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Mitzva Review - 22

88- Every Holiday we should come closer to serving Hashem & bring Him offerings.

89- When we bring the offerings to come closer , we cannot be holding on the negative at the same time.

90- Do not leave the portions that are to be offered up , do not leave them over to become disqualified. They are to be brought up in a timely fashion.

91- One is to bring from his first fruits of the 7 species to the Beis Hamigdosh for the Kohanim. This reminds us that everything is from Hashem.
92- Never cook or use meat & milk together. Hashem gives us all & He instructs us on how to utilize it best.

93- Do not make a peace pact with vicious terrorists.

94- And don't allow them to live by you unless they agree to abide by the 7 basic laws of human decency.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Mitzva Review - 21

84- Every Seventh year , leave ones fields open to all & trust in Hashem who runs the world.
85- Rest from all work on every Seventh day its Shabos
86 -
- Never even mention the names of idols.
87- One who persaudes a city to worship idols is stoned to death.

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Mitzva Review - 20

80 - We have a Mitzva to help people unload to save animals & people from suffering. If the owner refuses to participate when he is able to , one is exempt.

81- We do not judge unfairly a person who is wicked in certain areas.
82- Never judge cases on assumptions that may be false , only on clear cut evidence such as witnesses.

83- All forms of bribes are forbidden.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mitzva Reveiw - 19

77- A judge who voted in favor of saving a person may not change to the negative side until we are sure that it is his own opinion.

78- We follow the majority vote of Sanhedrin. If life is at stake we require a majority of at least 2 , if its not a life issue or to save a life , one over is sufficient.
79- A judge may not favor a poor person just to have mercy on him when he should be liable.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Mitzva Review -18

72- One should follow the proper sequence for separating Teruma & Miser. When one follows an organized system they avoid errors.
This is a source for always striving to be organized.

73 - One may not eat of an animal or bird that was injured & became a treifa.
74 - A judge may not listen to one litigate when the other party is not present. This includes many forms of Loshon Horah that one may not speak or listen to.
75- We do not accept the testimony of a wicked person , nor may participate with such a person.

76- We do not follow a majority to the negative if it is topped by only one to decide on a death penalty.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

30 day Mitzva Reveiw -17

66- There is a Mitzva to provide loans to those who need them.

67- One may not request payment when he knows the borrower cannot do so now. You may not even walk by that person at this time so as not to embarrass him.
68 - One may not assist in any way if the loan includes a charge of interest.

69- One may not curse a Judge.

70- One may never curse Hashems name.
71- One may not curse any leader.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Fw: Job Opportunity

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

From: "Joe Benjamin" <>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 10:14:41 -0400
To: <>
Subject: Job Opportunity


Administrative Manager/Event Coordinator


JOB DESCRIPTION: Full time position.


START DATE: Immediately


JOB REQUIREMENTS: Computer literate. Strong writing skills. Good organizational skills. Ability to work on multiple projects. Pleasant telephone manner.


Administrative assistant needed for Shommer Shabbos company in Staten Island. As an administrative manager/ event coordinator you will be responsible for contacting and securing speakers, conducting online

research, processing registrations by phone, managing onsite event needs, and general customer service. Must be competent, capable and willing to take on responsibility. Salary commensurate with experience.


If you or anyone you know may be interested in this position please email your resume and salary requirements to and reference Rabbi Goldberger

30 day Mitzva Review - 16.

61 - If someone persuaded a woman to lay with him , he is obligated to marry her. If her father refuses to allow it , he pays a fine.

62- One who is involved in witchcraft is stoned to death.
Hashem wants us to follow the natural routines which He created.

63- There is a special prohibition not to tease or antagonize a convert with words. We are obligated to be nice to all people.

64- There is also a special Mitzva not to deceive him in monetary dealings.

65- One may not press a widow or orphan. We need to always treat them with kindness , gentleness , & respect.
These 5 all teach us to beware harming or taking advantage of others.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

30 day Mitzva Review- 15

57 - An unpaid watchman is only responsible if he was negligent. He is exempt if the item was stolen.

58- One who admits to part of a claim has to pay for that amount & swear that it was not more.

59- A paid watchman is responsible even for theft or loss.

60- One who borrowed an item is even responsible to pay if an accident occurred. He is only exempt if the item was ruined due to its being used in a regular manner.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Monday, May 23, 2011

30 day Mitzva Review- 14

51- If ones animal or bird causes death , the animal is put to death & the owner needs to pay for damages. A person needs to watch his animals.

52- The animal that is to be put to death may not be used in any way.
This teaches that one who caused others harm is to be despised & they need to repent.
53 - It is forbidden to leave a pit open or to cause any type of stumbling block to people or to animals.
54- If one stole an item , he has to pay back double.
If he stole a sheep - he pays back 4 of them.
If he stole an ox - he pays back 5 times.
55 - If his animal caused damage while walking or doing regular behavior but it was in someones private area - the animal owner is held responsible.

56 - If he left his fire go out of control & cause damage , he also needs to pay for damages.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

30 day Mitzva Review - 13.

47 - One who hits his Father or Mother after being warned by 2 witnesses causing a wound , he is liable to a death penalty by choking.

48- The usual method the Sanhedrin of 23 would use to put to death was choking.

49- If one person injures another he has to pay 5 forms of payment :
For the harm ,
For pain ,
For healing ,
For missing his work &
For shame.

50- Sometimes Beis Din puts to death by a sword - for a murderer & people who tried to persuade a city to worship idols.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

30 day Mitzva Review - 12

Parshas Mishpotim contains 53 Mitzvos. :
42- How to be kind to ones employees.

43- To enable employees to get married & raise families.

44 - To enable them to gain better positions as they develop.

45 - To be compassionate , not to make it difficult for workers.

46 - To see that they have adequate food , clothing & dwelling.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

30 day Mitzva Review - 11

39- One may not make or buy a statue of a person , or of the sun , moon or stars , or a replica of something from the holy temple.

40- The stones of the Mizbeach may not cut with metal. The Mizbeach was used to atone for a merit to merit longevity.

41- No steps may be used for the Mizbeach , only a ramp.
Rashi explains that this reminds us to avoid all forms of exposing oneself which can lead to immorality.

These 3 teach us to keep far away from
Idol worship
Murder &
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Friday, May 20, 2011

30 day Mitzva Review - 10

34- One May not kill.
Every person is created in Hashem's image. The purpose of every person is to praise & serve Hashem , thus murder is eliminating a servant of Hashem & diminishing His honor.

35- One may not commit adultery.
This interferes with populating the world as Hashem teaches.

36- One may not kidnap a person.
Each person has to be free to serve Hashem.
37- One may not testify false against a person.
38- One may not desire that which belongs to others if he tries to get it from them.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

30 day Mitzva Review - 9

33 - Honor your Parents with your
Actions - To assist them with all of their needs.

Words - To speak to them always respectfully & about them in an honorable way.

Thoughts - to think of them as great personalities.

We owe the greatest debt of gratitude for their bringing him to life & all of their other kindnesses.
This Mitzva will also help us learn to recognize & appreciate Hashem as our Parent in Heaven.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Interesting Connection to 33

Mitzva 33 of the Torah is
Honor your Father & Mother so that you will live long.
Have a great Shabos & a nice Lag Bomer.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

30 day Mitzva Review -8

Your Words
30- One may not swear a false or a wasted oath.

31- Sanctify the day of Shabos with words. Also mention Shabos every day. It reminds us that Hashem created the entire world in 6 days.

32- One may not do any of 39 forms of work on Shabos. To remember that we need Hashem's help for everything we do.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Fw: Video: Committing to Love by Charlie Harary

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

From: "The Six Constant Mitzvos" <>
Sender: "The Six Constant Mitzvos" <>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 10:03:01 -0400
To: <>
ReplyTo: "The Six Constant Mitzvos" <>
Subject: Video: Committing to Love by Charlie Harary

The 4th principal of God awareness is Ahavas Hashem, Loving God.

The cornerstone of every relationship is love and so it makes sense that one of the principals of God awareness is loving God. But how do we create love for God? How do we create love for anybody or anything? The Torah says something unique about love. The Torah commands “Ve'ahavta l'rayacha kamocha.” You have to love your close one like yourself.

That’s strange. First off, how could they command us to love someone – how can you tell me who I should and shouldn’t love? Love shouldn’t be a commandment; it should be an option? Secondly, how can I love someone else like myself!? I like me a lot. Me and myself have been hanging out for a very long time together. Even my spouse doesn’t spend as much time with me as me - so how can I love her like myself.

Lets learn love from the place we all learned it first….our parents

Imagine you were talking to a women who is 9 months pregnant.

Beshaa Tova… Thank you…. So…. are you going to love your child?.... Excuse me?... Are you going to love your child?... Of course…. How do you know? You haven’t even met him or her yet? What if he’s a brat? What if she is not your look? What if you don’t have the same interests, like sleeping through night or verbalizing your feelings as opposed to crying every time you need something. What if the kid down the block is cuter, smarter or more athletic?

The mother is either going to knock you out or assume you’re on drugs.

Why? Because parents love their babies no matter what. Why is that? Because they understand what it means to truly love somebody.

The mistake we make is that we think that love leads to commitment. That’s not the case, in truth commitment leads to love. Parents commit to loving their unborn child and so no matter what that child is born like, they love him or her. The more the parents commit, the more the child becomes a part of them, and the more they love them.

The rabbis say “v’ohavta l’reacha c’amocha”. V’ohavta – when you commit to love someone, then something amazing happens… You connect to it. You identify with it. Like a parent to a child, you don’t see it as something separate but its part of you… that’s k'amocha.

When the Jews were presented with the Torah, the marriage contract between them and God, they used this principal to forge their relationship….

Naaseh…. We commit… VeNishma… we will understand.

The fourth principal of God awareness is Loving Hashem. How? By committing. By going all in. As long as we are holding back from Him, we can’t fully love Him. Our choice is whether we want to commit – Na’aseh.

Once we do, true Ahava is right around the corner.

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Click here for videos of R' Yitzchak Berkowitz, R' Noach Weinberg zt'l and Charlie Harary

Click here for articles on The Six Constant Mitzvos

Video: My Teshuvah Story and what made me frum

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

30 day Mitzva Review- 7

Parshas Yisro has 17 Mitzvos , which include the 10 Commandments.

25 - To believe in Hashem who created everything , is always in complete control & enables everything to happen.
This is one of the 6 constant Mitzvos which apply at all times.

26- There is no other god or powers besides Him & what He created.

27- It is forbidden to make a statue of an idol.

28- One may not bow down to an idol or do any form of service to it.

29- One may not even do crazy forms of service such as throwing rocks to markulis.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

30 day Mitzva Review- 6

24- One may not leave the Techum borders surrounding the area he is in on Shabos. This is one Mitzva in Parshas Beshalach 16:29.
To remind us that Hashem created the world & controls it & everything has its place. Do not leave your parameters , relax & enjoy Hashem is in charge.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Monday, May 16, 2011

30 day Mitzva Review -5

18- Every first born baby boy & first born animal are to be sanctified for Hashem.
To remember that Hashem chose us to become His first born.
19- Do not eat Chomets on Pesach. This is our annual reminder of who we are & what we became.
20- Do not even keep Chomets around in your property on Pesach.

21- Tell the story of the redemption on Pesach nite. To remember all of the miracles & that Hashem is in control to run His world as He sees fit.

22 - A first born donkey should be redeemed with a sheep that is given to a Cohen. To remember that when Hashem saved us from Egypt He provided every Jew with many donkeys loaded with gold & silver.

23 - If the person fails to redeem the donkey it is put to death in a specific way.
This teaches us that if one refuses to do Mitzvos he will lose out. By doing one will always gain sooner or later.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

30 day Mitzva Reveiw- 4

13- A rebellious Jew may not eat from a korban Pesach. Shmos 12 :43.

14- nor a non - Jew , even if he keeps the 7 basic laws.
This offering reminds us who we are & our unique status.

15- The meat may not be taken out of the designated area of that group.

16- None of the bones of the offering may be broken.
To remind ourselves that we became Hashems people , as Kings.

17- An uncircumcised person may not eat from it.
The offering & the Bris both show that we are connected to Hashem as His nation.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

30 Day Mitzva Review - 3

9- We are obligated to clear away all Chomets from our property on erev Pesach before noon time.

10- To eat Matza the first night of Pesach. So that we remember how Hashem saved us quickly from slavery with great miracles.

11-Not to have any Chomets throughout Pesach.

12 - Not to any food that has any mixture of Chomets in it.
The evil inclination is compared to Chomets thus we need to learn to subdue & control our desires.
3 differences between Chomets & Matzah :
Symbol of Humility
Satisfied with ones portion & Matzah is produced quickly.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

30 Day Mitzva Review - 2

Sefer Shmos contains 111 Mitzvos.

20 are in Parshas Bo

4- To sanctify Rosh Chodesh , thus we learn that the Holidays are dependent on our Jewish Leaders.
We also see that time is to be utilized to serve Hashem.

5- We slaughter the Pesach offering the afternoon before Pesach. This is to show that we don't believe in foreign cultures & utilize everything to serve Hashem.

6- We eat the Korban Pesach the first night roasted.

7- not rare or cooked , only roasted.

8- No leftovers.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

30 Day Mitzva Review

First 3 of 613 are in Sefer Breishis

1 - to get Married , have children & raise a family.

2- To have every male child circumcized.

3 - not to eat the gid hanosheh part of the leg of an animal. This reminds us when Yaakov avinu was injured Hashem healed him & Hashem will help us too.

* These first 3 Mitzvos teach the purpose of life to devote ourselves to serving Hashem.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

6 Names

What are the 6 names that were used for Mount Sinai ?

Hashem's mountain

Gavnunim - because it disqualified all other places.

Chomad - the place Hashem desired.
Chorev - it activated the sword against those who choose to transgress.

Sinai - there is hatred now against those who despise the Torah.

Boshon - Hashem came there.

See Tehilim 68 : 16 & 17.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

New book recomendation

Its called Q & A
Thursday nights with Rabbi A. Miller by
B. T. Miller.
The book has about 350 pages & it is a most amazing , precious work. Its cost is about 25 $ & it is worth its weight in gold & more.

If you are not able to get one from your regular store , let us know & we can try to send you one. It will be worth a lot to you.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fw: Excitement booklet


Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

From: Rochel Eisner <>
Date: Thu, 5 May 2011 07:24:02 -0700 (PDT)
To: Rabbi Goldberger<>
Subject: Excitement booklet

Hi, I'm attaching the corrected booklet.  Have a great day.

All the Best,
Rochel Eisner
Creative Director
Chief Copywriter
Pen & Paper Writing
(732) 771-7378

Monday, May 2, 2011


We learn from the Parsha that we have special obligations in how to deal with relatives such as
A spouse
Brother &
We also apply the Mishna - a wise person learns from every individual.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Greatest Tip

The greatest Rule of the Torah
Love others as Yourself - can serve as the greatest tip for growing & increasing your business.

As you turn
Strangers into friends
Friends into customers
Customers into salespeople.

It all starts with - truly caring about other peoples needs.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Best Way

Our Sages say
The best form of speech
Is keeping quiet.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What will you

Do with your life ?

Now that we have been set free , we begin to count ....
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Depends on your rejoicing with your portions. Avos 4:1

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mitzva to Recline

Why is reclining so significant that it is counted as one of the 4 questions which are used to zero in the great , fundamental lessons of Pesach ?

One reason is because it order to truly sit back & relax we need to recognize the reality that Hashem is in control always. He took us out of Egypt & He keeps on saving & guiding us. B. H.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Food for thought

Why are the 4 questions of the Mah Nishtanoh so significant ?

How can these 4 questions transform a persons life ?
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

Fw: A Million Hits and counting.... Now your turn to share this amazing film!


Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.

From: "Project Inspire Newsletter" <>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 21:19:12 +0000
To: <>
ReplyTo: "Project Inspire Newsletter" <>
Subject: A Million Hits and counting.... Now your turn to share this amazing film!

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 April 11, 2011  

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   Send this short film to a fellow Jew, and make their day an even more meaningful one.

What Moshe might have done were he alive today!

PIAishShabbaton_180x117 3One Shabbos-Experience of a Lifetime-May 27-29
The weekend will unite frum and not-yet-frum people to connect, to learn and to grow.


02 PI Pesach 180x117

My Pesach Kiruv Experience

One student decided to keep "Kosher for Pesach" for all 8 days and joined us for..

by I. M. Klahr


VCrashCourseOnPassover140x1 4

WATCH: Crash Course on Passover
Great explanation of what the importance of Pesach!



WATCH: Dayan Yonason Abraham at Project Inspires Second Annual Convention


by Dayan Yonason Abraham

To download, right click then click "save target as" / "save link as"


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