Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
From: "Project Inspire Newsletter" <Project_Inspire_Newsletter@mail.vresp.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 21:19:12 +0000
To: <rabbig@sakar.com>
ReplyTo: "Project Inspire Newsletter" <reply-a7dfc541d1-b45b09f319-344d@u.cts.vresp.com>
Subject: A Million Hits and counting.... Now your turn to share this amazing film!
Events and Campaigns click on any of the banners below for more information | Project Inspire, and Aish Connections Invite you to a Celebrate Shabbos Together- Uniting Jews of all Backgrounds. CLICK HERE for more info | | | | Send this short film to a fellow Jew, and make their day an even more meaningful one. What Moshe might have done were he alive today! by aish.com | | One student decided to keep "Kosher for Pesach" for all 8 days and joined us for.. by I. M. Klahr | WATCH: Crash Course on Passover Great explanation of what the importance of Pesach! | | WATCH: Dayan Yonason Abraham at Project Inspires Second Annual Convention by Dayan Yonason Abraham To download, right click then click "save target as" / "save link as" -------------- Would you like to sponsor a Newsletter? Have question, comments, or even a nice kiruv story? We would appreciate your feedback. Please contact us at yweinberg@projectinspire.com | |
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