Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Daf 40 - Quiz

Q. One who was holding produce for someone & is now returning it , how do we know how much was depleted ?

A. If it was in a separate corner , whatever is left there. If it was mixed with his , we follow a prescribed average for each type.

Q. In what way do we see mice behaving in a manner of the wicked ?
A. Tosfos explains when they see grain for the taking , not only do they eat themselves they also call their friends.
Q. How much profit may one make when selling basic foods ?

A. Up to a sixth.
Q. What is barzenaisa ?

A. Either the cost of advertizing or the cost to form an opening for the barrel.
Q. Why would it be forbidden to mix some sediment back into a container of wine or oil ?

A. One may not cheat or fool a customer.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.