A. By theft he transgressed a prohibition thus there may be a kenas penalty.
Q. What if he wasn't caught is he exempt ?
A. If he wants to clear his account in Heaven to avoid punishments he will be urged to pay all possibilities.
Q. Who is the one who was disputing the words of R. Tarfon ?
A. R. Akiva.
Q. Was R. Akiva a talmid of Beis Hillel or Beis Shamai ?
A. Beis Shamai , Rashi.
Q. Without his awareness , can mean , he knows nothing about it , or ... ?
A. He did not see it , thus he did not see it exactly. ( The last Tosfos ).
Q. Who are we referring to when it says - these & those agree ?
A. Beis Shamai & Beis Hillel.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.