Sunday, April 19, 2009

Daf 113 - Quiz

Q. Which 2 months are people excused from being called to come to appear for a Din Torah ?

A. Nissan & Tishrei.

Q. What can be done in Nissan ?

A. To schedule a time for Iyar.

Q. Where can we find a source for the saying - a hint to the wise is sufficent ?

A. Mishlei 9:9.

Q. What type of person do we refuse to accept charity donations from them ?

A. If most of their money is stolen.

Q. Which great Sage taught the halacha that the law of the Govt is law ?

A. Shmuel who was the expert in monetary law.
Q. In addition to the prohibition of stealing from a govt what other sin may be connected ?

A. Chilul Hashem.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.