Q. What is the signifigance of a Mishna that seems to be stam - a unanimous teaching ?
A. It is an indication that it should be the halacha.
Q. What is the message of using earth as a sign / Siman marker ?
A. There is potential for beneficial growth.
Q. Why is the word Tznius used for modest dressing when the Gemara seems to use it in a different sense ?
A. Rashi had said that it refers to those who strive to prevent others from sinning - thus it fits perfectly. One of the reasons for the tznius dress code is to prevent others from sins of improper thoughts.
See Rashi on 68b
Q. What are two aspects of defining that something belongs to you ?
A. It belongs to you & it is in yourjurisdiction.
Q. Why is it that everyone seems to argue with R. Meir in the case of one who bought wine ... ?
A. The Gemara Eiruvin 13b explains that there was no one in his generation as great as him but the halacha is not like him always because they could not comprehend all of his profound insights.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.