... For help ,Hashem will help you find what you need.
Hillel would always say -
If I am not for myself , who will be for me
& if not now , when ?
These two lessons in Avos 1:14
Were always on Hillels tongue.
We need to learn to motivate & encourage ourselves.
In english , we can say -
Part of being involved is to also get excited !!
This shows that you are thinking about the issues & that you are into it. Mesilas Yeshorim also teaches a secret - that you can decide to act excited & thus generate true excitement & enthusiasm.
The Talmud teaches that to make our Torah Study come alive we need to utilize our voice control when repeating the words of the Torah in an enthusiastic way.
Some points that are useful are :
To speak clearly
At a meaningful pace
Pause & emphasize
In a cheerful manner
With a gentleness.
The more you get into it ,
The more Hashem will help make it come alive.
As Pirkei Avos says repeatedly -
He used to SAY ...
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.