Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Step 55 -On one Foot

How can a person accept the entire Torah while standing on one foot ?

The Talmud teaches the secret
To develop the desire to love others & eliminate hate. What you don't like don't do to others. When you seek to love Hashem will help you find it.
The way you act to others , Hashem will cause them to act towards you. You will get what you give.
The secret is not to wait for others to change or to wait for Moshiach to change the whole world , rather we have to grab ourselves by our mind & heart , & change ourselves one step at a time.
You can decide to begin to love others more. You can begin with ... & love him more right now. And keep working at it. As you expand your reach Hashem will assist you more & more !!
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.