Sunday, May 13, 2007

Start Small - step 41

Practicing with a parking space is a good way to experience Hashem s system of leading you on the path you desire.
But we need to shoot for higher & greator levels as well. How about to merit to have children ?
The Gemara asks the question regarding some of the greatest people in history who had difficulties in this area. Why ?
The answer given is that Hashem was giving them a greator gift first - the opportunity to develop & perfect themselves by such activities as prayer.
But does this contradict the premise of on the path... ?
Perhaps if one would know Hashems reasons for why this is the best for him for now , this is what he would truly want.
As we pray properly we begin to change our thoughts & feelings , and we become more worthy. Pray for growth & expect it. Daven that Hashem should help you become worthy of His great blessings.
The same applies to other areas as well. Pray for more clients / sales etc. Hashem can help you serve as a conduit to help more people.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.