Tuesday, April 17, 2007

One Step - 5

Would you like people to respect you ?
The Mishna teaches us the secret - respect others (Avos 4:1). This is thre same principle :
How do you demonstrate that you desire that people should treat you well by how you treat others.

The way we act speaks loudly & it proclaims to all how we wish to be treated.
There is a story of an older single who get telling everyone that he wanted to get married but it just did not seem to be happening. Someone then explained to him this secret that on the path ... & pointed out to him that there was no room in his life now for a wife the way he presented himself.

He thought it over & took the message to heart. He started to change his ways & even cleared out half of his apt to make room for a wife.
Yes. The end of the story is that shortly thereafter he found a Shidduch with Hashems help.

If you were planning to take a certain trip wouldn't you begin to pack your suitcase ?
On the path one is determined to ...
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.
