Friday, July 2, 2010

Word illusions - 31

Our words can be based on wisdom & truth or on illusions which leads to loshon hora.
The Talmud teaches us that in the Aleph Beis , the letter Ayin comes before the Peh to remind us to always See the truth first , before speaking the wrong way.
One example is how the evil inclination tries to persuade us that we are phonies & frauds , while the truth is we do have challenges , but we should be sincere & try to do our best to strive to serve Hashem & improve ourselves slowly but surely.
The Torah truth is that the voice that calls you a fraud is the real fraud - a form of Loshon Hora.
Every word we say needs to be Kosher , each step is part of our growth process.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.