Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pain = Gain -87

Yes , it is a Mishna Avos 5:23.

But we need to understand the concept. Pain can be a test to see how committed we are to the Mitzva we are doing.
The Mesilas Yeshorim sums up our purpose in life in 3 steps
To perform Mitzvos
To serve Hashem &
To withstand tests.
The more difficulties one encounters in doing what's right , the more rewards for his accomplishment.
In order to enjoy life more , we need to focus on speaking right. One who seems to have more challenges in speech control , should realize that it is a gold mine of an opportunity. Let him devote himself to mastering the laws of proper speech & strike it rich. You will reap huge rewards by focusing on overcoming your urge to speak negative words.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.