Sunday, June 14, 2009

Daf 52 Taste of daf Quiz

Q. What are the 3 opinions by a rubbed out coin to consider it fraud ?

A. R. Meir - 1/24
R. Yehuda - 1/12
R. Shimon - 1/6

Q. What does the Mishna call someone who refuses to accept a coin that is slightly rubbed out but is still a valid coin ?

A. Nefesh raah
Q. How does the gemara refer to an example of regular merchandise ?

A. A Talis ( a garment ).
Q. May one use an invalid coin for jewelry ?

A. Only if it cannot be reused to trick others.
Q. How does Rav Chisda use the term Midas Chasidus ?

A. To accept a coin that is not so usable even when he is not required to accept it halachicly.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.