Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Daf 20 - Quiz

Q. If someone sold a note for collection does that mean he has no more power over it ?

A. No. He can still waive the debt.
Q. If an orphan girl steps away from a marriage through Miun how many people need to be present ?

A. 3.
Q. How many items together are called an Aguda ?

A. 3.
Q. What should be done if someone finds a loan document of others between his papers & he does not remember what its all about ?
A. Hold on to it until Eliyohu hanovi arrives.

Q. What is an equivalent of Crazy ?

This is not a joke.
A. Lazy. See the Bach. ( It also ryhmes ).
Q. What are 2 usages of the word Simpon ?
A. A receipt that breaks a shtar

* or a blemish that cancels a purchase.
Q. What is the imaginary name of a Jew the Talmud uses that is a combination of two of the Shevotim ?
A. Yosef ben Shimon.


Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.