Sunday, April 12, 2009

Daf 106 - Quiz

Q. What is the logical difference between a loan & a deposit for safekeeping ?

A. The loan is meant to be spent.

Q. What is the difference between an oath in the presence of Beis Din or one sworn outside ?

A. The first is stronger and thus it can obligate a monetary payment.
Q. How many types of people are obligated by the Torah to swear ?

A. 3.

What are they ?
A. One who admitted partially ,
A single witness testified against him , or a Shomer.

Q. How are they similar ?
A. They all are exempt from paying if they swear.

Q. Who is one of Rav s most famous disciples who is usually referred to as " it was said Bei Rav " ?

A. Rav Hamnuna.

Q. What is the difference between a Kal Vechomer & a Hekesh ?
A. A person can deduce his own Kal Vechomer & it may be refuted , a hekesh however is transmitted from Sinai & it is irrefutable.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.