Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bava Metzia Daf 2 - Quiz

Q. If a person grabs a hold of something from someone else & claims it is his , does he get to keep half of it ?

A. Not unless he swears to back his claim.
Q. Is there any other way to divide without an oath ?

A. If they both admit or they have witnesses.

Q. If someone sees something & says , wow , look what I found , does that make it his ?

A. Not unless he does some action to take it in his hand or on his property.
Q. Who is Kedi ?

A. Some say it is the name of a Sage , some say it means anonymous.

Q. What does Ben Nanos hold ?

A. Always avoid a false oath.

Q. What does Sumchos hold ?

A. By a monetary doubt split without swearing.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.