Friday, February 13, 2009

Daf Quiz - Bava Kama 49

Q. Why is it that if an ox gored a pregnant woman & caused a miscarriage the ox owner does not pay for the potential offspring but if a person did the same -
He pays the husband - for the offspring &
The wife - he pays for the injury & for her pain ?

A. The Ramban explains that we are not sure if the offspring would have lived thus the Torah gives us specific guidelines for who is entitled to what.


Q. Which animal does the Torah compare to the great righteous Sage Yissocher in Breshis and also to a nation in Breshis ?

A. A donkey

Q. If someone grabbed first a document of property that has no owner does he get the property or only the paper ?

A. Only the paper


Q. What are 2 methods for a person s yard to acquire something for him ?

A. If it is enclosed with protection or he is at the side of it. Tosfos
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.