Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Daf 62 - Quiz

Q. What are the 4 ways to deal with an issue when the Gemara concludes with Teiku ( unresolved ) ?

A. Tosfos explains :
- Rav Alfas- we are lenient
- Rav Hai Gaon - swear & take half.
-R. Tam - let the victim swear to his loss & collect it all.
- R. Yitzchok - no payment.

Q. Which transgression is it if one puts pressure on someone to reluctantly sell his item for a good price ?

A. A double aveira - for the desire & the Chemda. Rambam

Q. If someone sent a spark flying to cause damage , is he responsible ?

A. Yes , as if he threw an arrow or a rock. Rambam

Q. Does a person have a right to leave his Chanuka Menorah in a place where it may cause a fire , Chas Vesholom ?

A. No. He should sit there & safegaurd it. Rambam

Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.