Sunday, February 15, 2009

Daf 51 -Quiz

Q. Why is it that one who is executed by Sekila , has to be pushed off a cliff that is a certain height - twice the height of a person ?

A. So that the sinner is put to death with a Loving Touch to fulfill - Love others as yourself !

Q. If A sent B to perform a sin who is guilty of the sin ?

A. B is. Because he should not have accepted such a shlichus.

Q. When & how can 2 people become partners in a Bor ?

A. If 1 person dug 10 tefochim deep & the second person dug down to 20 , they are both liable.
However if the first only dug 9 deep & the second dug the tenth , only the second one is liable.

Q. How does Tosfos pose a question that is stronger than a Teima ?
A. See second Tosfos on 51b.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.