Sunday, September 2, 2007

Wonders 56 - Double Thanks

A Man says - thanks for who I am.
A Woman says - thanks for making me as He desired.
Obviously , they both need to thank Hashem for making them who they are & for the gift of a spouse.
If we were all the same we would not get the entire message. Baruch Hashem now we realize that a man has more Mitzvos including the one to study more Torah. For that he must be grateful & thank Hashem daily.
She , on the other hand , has more responsibilities to inspire her husband & her children to become great in Hashems service.

For example , Rebbe Akivas wife gets all the credit for motivating him to dedicate himself to becoming so great. And he gets for following through with his persistance to develop his greatness for 24 years in Yeshiva.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.