Monday, August 27, 2007

W. 49 - At your Fingertips

Why did Hashem design each persons fingerprints with a unique personal pattern ?
- is it so that we should be able to identify ourselves to know who we are ?¥
- maybe so that we can check the records of criminals to determine whether or not we are on the wanted lists ?€

The basic reason for the texture of fingerprints is to enable a person to have a better grip & traction.
The profound reason is that our Sages teach
Fortunate is the person who comes to the World to Come with his Torah Study in his hands.
Pesochim 50a. Rabeinu Chananel explains the word - in his hands, that every Torah lesson has to be developed & translated into Action.
Thus Hashem gave us each unique fingers to symbolize our mission to develop our unique potential for our way of doing things with our Neshamas hallmark on it.
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.