Why do many people eat kidney shaped beans in their cholent on Shabos ?
One reason is they taste good in honor of Shabos.
Another reason is just as eating liver can serve to remind us to thank Hashem for His unique of granting us our liver , so too , we can utilize the beans to remember to say thank You Hashem for our KIDNEYS!
* They clean the blood.
* They regulate the liquid & salt content of the body.
* They help produce red blood cells. Etc
# There are more than a million small filtering units in each kidney.
You can look at a kidney bean & imagine it was a chemical factory of about 6 ounces , the size of your fist. You have two of these precious machines in your body that keep you alive & for which we include a Thank You to Hashem when we say - Thank you for creating me with wisdom ...
How often should we thank Hashem for our kidneys ?
Make sure to do so now & the next time you eat some kidney shaped beans & ...
Now may be a good time for a gem of Torah study.